Butterflytown - 240 FOWLR

Big weekend of work, but managed to feed the fish a couple times. Bennet doing well, eats the brine shrimp very well.

Ich seems to have gone. I'm up to full strength dose now on cupramine too with no ill effects on feeding habits.

Just need to get the bennet transitioned to a better food.
Updates on quarantine stock.

Lost the benneti in quarantine. My fault, I never got it transitioned onto a good food because I couldn't get my Larry's in stock quick enough. I should have known better than to try this fish with it being a busy time at work. Not Larry's fault by the way, just couldn't get my act together.

I introduced the Johnrandalia and the Aureofasciatus to the display tank about a month ago. Both fully quarantined and eating well. The Johnrandalia is doing fine, but I lost the Aureo about a week in.

I didn't see any major harassment, so I'm not truthfully sure what caused it. It was skinnier than I'd prefer it to be, it's difficult to get those butterflies to build mass without getting them on pellets and he just never took to them.

I'll try to post a picture or two or maybe a video later today.

I need to get something to make this tank interesting again, I'm thinking a puffer and a trigger, though I'm not sure what species.

I love the Golden's, but I think they may be more aggressive than what I'd like. No clue on the trigger, I had a blue throat before and I've thought about getting another one.

Anybody have opinions here? I also still really want some purple tilefish.
Sorry for the losses. But it is nice to hear updates.

I think the source matters. I got 2 rainfordis from another source and they ate pellets in 3 days. Both got really fat. Unfortunately they died when I introduced Heniochus intermedius which brought uronema.

What happened to your Starcki damsel?
Which is why I desperately try to get them onto pellets.
BTW have you ever tried smudging frozen food over pellets.
That is what I did to get the rainfordi eating pellets

Updates on quarantine stock.

Lost the benneti in quarantine. My fault, I never got it transitioned onto a good food because I couldn't get my Larry's in stock quick enough. I should have known better than to try this fish with it being a busy time at work. Not Larry's fault by the way, just couldn't get my act together.

I introduced the Johnrandalia and the Aureofasciatus to the display tank about a month ago. Both fully quarantined and eating well. The Johnrandalia is doing fine, but I lost the Aureo about a week in.

I didn't see any major harassment, so I'm not truthfully sure what caused it. It was skinnier than I'd prefer it to be, it's difficult to get those butterflies to build mass without getting them on pellets and he just never took to them.

I'll try to post a picture or two or maybe a video later today.

I need to get something to make this tank interesting again, I'm thinking a puffer and a trigger, though I'm not sure what species.

I love the Golden's, but I think they may be more aggressive than what I'd like. No clue on the trigger, I had a blue throat before and I've thought about getting another one.

Anybody have opinions here? I also still really want some purple tilefish.
Sorry for the losses. But it is nice to hear updates.

I think the source matters. I got 2 rainfordis from another source and they ate pellets in 3 days. Both got really fat. Unfortunately they died when I introduced Heniochus intermedius which brought uronema.

What happened to your Starcki damsel?

Hey sorry, haven't followed my thread as close as I should lately. I'm honestly not sure what happened to the starcki, about a year and a half ago, I noticed that it was kind of listing to one side, almost as if it had a stroke (no idea if that's even possible).

It still ate well, but it definitely wasn't in its normal condition. Then one day I came down to the tank and just found it dead stuck in the over flow. Had been fine the day before.
Which is why I desperately try to get them onto pellets.
BTW have you ever tried smudging frozen food over pellets.
That is what I did to get the rainfordi eating pellets

That is a really interesting technique and one I've not tried before. I have soaked pellets with mysis before, but it didn't seem to make much difference. I think I did that for the Arabian maybe.
So, I've been thinking about a project to get this thread going again. I am going to try to list my fish by chronological orders, from oldest to youngest with pictures of each and any progressions they've made. I'm having a tough time remembering when I got my first fish, which was the eibli angel. I'm not sure I have any early pictures either.

Look for pictures to come in the next couple days, I'm super busy pretending to be an elf right now.

I think this could be a fun exercise for some of the bigger FOWLR threads in this forum, looking at you Peter.

"It's Christmas and we're all in misery" Helen Griswald
So, I tried to compile my list of fish in chronological order tonight and I have decided that photobucket is absolutely horrific.

Anybody else having issues with this? Anyone have a recommendation to replace photobucket with?

Or maybe do I just need a new computer.
Well since photobucket is now run Isis, the best I can do is a video for now.

I had to remove the modestus last week, the barberfish decided to go nuts and try to kill it for some reason. Once the modestus is back to full health, I'll be removing the barberfish.

I also have a starcki damsel that I got from a buddy. Somehow I almost killed it during acclimation, but it seems to be doing fine now. Touch and go there for a couple days.

Tank is doing well overall, there was a period of slight neglect for a bit this summer, but things are back on track now and I'm pretty happy with the overall condition of everybody.

Thanks Ted. I've got a revised list of fish I'd like to add since I lost a few over the past year.

I'd really like to add another altivelis butterfly and I'd like to get one of the golden phase oftofasciatus as well, don't see those too often.

Hopefully I'll be better about updates, we need more tanks in this section of the forum, it's just about dried up.

Peter, you need another tank to start stocking.
I think it would be nice if you add a bannerfish or Moorish idol.
You have all types of fish except a triangular shaped fish.
I'm trying to round out the collection with some different species, ever since losing the puffer, the tank just hasnt been the same.

I'd like to get a couple fish that hang out near the bottom and stir up the substrate, maybe some tiger wardi gobies.

I may also pick up some tilefish that I've been looking for next week.
look forward to pictures.

Maybe a spiny burrfish to replace the puffer?

I'm trying to round out the collection with some different species, ever since losing the puffer, the tank just hasnt been the same.

I'd like to get a couple fish that hang out near the bottom and stir up the substrate, maybe some tiger wardi gobies.

I may also pick up some tilefish that I've been looking for next week.