Very, very long overdue update. Not a happy one either I'm afraid to say, there have been some significant losses.
I'll start with my large Regal. I lost it almost two months ago. For some time, I've suspected something wasn't right. I noticed some redness that would come and go near the base of the pelvic fins, and though it would eat, it's appetite had dwindled significantly. I'm still not 100% sure of the cause of death.
Even worse, I lost my very large black dog face puffer about a month and a half ago. We had a large thunderstorm with extreme lightning one night. I came down the next day to find my puffer missing. I ended up finding her behind my tank, still alive somehow. I tried nursing her back to health over a couple of days, but to no avail. I have video of my soon to be six year old son when he was about 18 months old talking to that fish...
So my updated stock list is as follows:
Chaetodon Semilarvatus - Finally in Derek's Tank.
Chaetodon Rainfordi
Chaetodon Flavirostris
Hemitaurichthys polylepis x 2
Roa Modestus
Centropyge Eibli
Centropyge Venustus x 2
Centropyge Multifasciatus
Pygoplites diacanthus x 1 - lost the big one.
Centropyge Flavissima - Added in the past month
Chrysiptera talboti x 3
Chrysiptera annulata - Added in the last month
Arothron nigropunctatus - Black Dog Face Puffer - Jumped..
Acanthurus Achilles
Johnrandallia nigrirostris
Chaetodon Auerofasciatus
A couple videos will follow this post.
I'll start with my large Regal. I lost it almost two months ago. For some time, I've suspected something wasn't right. I noticed some redness that would come and go near the base of the pelvic fins, and though it would eat, it's appetite had dwindled significantly. I'm still not 100% sure of the cause of death.
Even worse, I lost my very large black dog face puffer about a month and a half ago. We had a large thunderstorm with extreme lightning one night. I came down the next day to find my puffer missing. I ended up finding her behind my tank, still alive somehow. I tried nursing her back to health over a couple of days, but to no avail. I have video of my soon to be six year old son when he was about 18 months old talking to that fish...
So my updated stock list is as follows:
Chaetodon Semilarvatus - Finally in Derek's Tank.
Chaetodon Rainfordi
Chaetodon Flavirostris
Hemitaurichthys polylepis x 2
Roa Modestus
Centropyge Eibli
Centropyge Venustus x 2
Centropyge Multifasciatus
Pygoplites diacanthus x 1 - lost the big one.
Centropyge Flavissima - Added in the past month
Chrysiptera talboti x 3
Chrysiptera annulata - Added in the last month
Arothron nigropunctatus - Black Dog Face Puffer - Jumped..
Acanthurus Achilles
Johnrandallia nigrirostris
Chaetodon Auerofasciatus
A couple videos will follow this post.