BVI snorkeling pics


New member
A few weeks back I was in the BVI on a 7 day sailing trip and was able to do some snorkeling. i used an olympus d-580 w/underwater housing and took a bunch of pis and I thought I would post some...the first is a little blurry but it was in a cave and an entire wall was covered in sun coral...AMAZING!!!

the next pic is a school of atlantic tangs that were feeding that I followed around was cool that there was a trumpetfish and parrotfish mixed in the school....and then a cuda that was on the bottom in about 25ft of water or so...he was 3- 3 1/2 feet long



I went snorkling off the island of Isle Muhares in cancun. as soon as I jumped in I saw a 3' barracuda that was about 10' from me. he took a quick look then darted off. Luckily I was able to get a decent shot. I will try and post a pic tonight. Pretty cool!
this guy was close to 6ft long...was HUGE......saw it hovering under a boat...everytime I got near it would open up its mouth like in this pic and show his teeth......a little blurry because I tried to keep a distance :)

prabaly the highlight of my trip was seeing this octopus feeding on a snail....check out how his color changed....this was about 11am...I guess it's kind of rare to see them like this in the daylight....


elite - heres another of the tangs....they were feeding off a wall in this one and I was able to get right in the middle of was cool...

One morning we went out at about 7am and it was cool to see a lot of fish where we were I was snorkeling I just became surrounded in fish...heres a shot of some sgt majors and a yellowtail snapper....I was amazed that these sgt majors are like 10" in the wild.....

sweet pics! we went on a 10 day cruise in january. went to the virgin gorda . it was awsome! there are a ton of tangs in the caribbean.