Ca and alk stability in sps tanks


New member
Can the CA and Alk fluctuate as long as the CA nevers drops below 420 and alk at 8dkh? I been dosing two part solutions and my Ca and alk fluctuates a tad bit but I never had it drop below nsw. I know with CA reactors it drips to maintain CA an Alk which is much more stable. I guess that would be an advantage of CA reactors. Just wondering if this would have any adverse effects on stability on a sps tank?
To my understanding using 2 parts will increase the CA/alk and as the corals use it up i replensih it back up by dosing the next day. My ca and alk is about 400 and 9.6dkh in the morning after I dose the Ca and alk is about 410 and 10.1dkh. The next morning it'll repeat the same process. So the method of dosing I"m doing is not right? There is no way I can keep it stable without fluctuating unless I use a doser dripper type to dose my 2 part system. Am I right?
Stability of ALK is more important. I put my baked baking soda in my top off resevior and that keeps it solid. I dose CA nightly. I don't think the swings you are getting are anything to worry about.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7616231#post7616231 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kirstenk
Stability of ALK is more important. I put my baked baking soda in my top off resevior and that keeps it solid. I dose CA nightly. I don't think the swings you are getting are anything to worry about.

What she said! I do the same thing, I use Seachem buffer in my top-off, a quick calculation taking in - evap/day, topoff capacity, buffer strength - and you'll have rock solid alk. I've found alk & salinity to be crucial in SPS health. Ca can bounce around IME (within reason). Then I have a jug with pre-dissolved ca in water and just poor in some every day.
Can I buffer top off water and then pass it thru my Kalk reactor?

I run all my top off thru my KR.
I dont think using buffer in your water before the kalk reactor would be a good idea.

kalk supplies alkalinity and calcium.
I used to struggle with the two part... used seachems CA with baking soda to buffer, always had one or the other a little out of whack. 2.5 years in the hobby and I just recently learned that dripping Kalkwasser Kicks 2-Parts U-know-what! Not only does it keep the balance stable I have seen growth rates double? maybe triple?? Seriously, if you never tried Kalk and thought the 2-part was a reasonable substitute... gotta tell you you're wrong. Like I was :rolleyes:

Exactly how does Kalk work? I know that you dissolve it into fresh water and drip overnight.
Does it take care of alk and calcium? How do you keep from dosing too much? I also heard that you get calcium deposits all over your pumps that are nearly impossible to clean.

Clue me in. If it is as good as you say I might give it a go. I am currently using b-ionic.
I use sea chem...have for years....great product....

Yes I testify, as said above....alk is very important to stay high and stable....a low alk..even 7dkh can fade acros nearly overnight....CA can swing a bit...BUT if calcium is swinging...usally Alk is as well....the 2 run in a balance, calcium UP Alk DOWN...Alk UP calcium DOWN.....

Gota love reefing!

After 6 months of wild up and down I've finally gotten my tank down to a stable demand, for no particular reason, except I raised my buffer target from 8.3 to 9.3: the buffer is in the topoff, and a daily spoonfed dose of cal will now keep the tank rock solid.
I agree with dvanacker. I dose alk like Kirsten and Fliger through topoff. This allows me to use a dosing pump to slowly add Ca throughout the day. I saw immediate growth increases with the dosing pump. I wonder if that's what gave PUGroyale his growth bump; constant Ca replenishment.
You definitely can NOT run buffered water thru a kalk reactor. I asked the question on RHF's forum already. I am stoked though, my calcium reactor (200CR-F3000) comes on Monday so I won't have to deal with this stuff any longer. I can also put my kalk reactor back online so I'll have both. I've read lotsa folks say that kalk will also increase your stinky skimmate (SunnyX comes to mind).