Cal, alk, mag for zoa?

I read on another thread that Alk is most important with Zoas. As long as you have 9+ Alk you should be fine. Not sure how other parameters affect their growth.
To be honest I noticed a trend but I left for vacation and put Kalk in my top off and came back zoa where stressed not sure if it could be a ph issue with alk that's when I notice my Zoa get really ****ed when those two fluctuates
I've noticed even small swings in ph or temp stresses out my zoas. I keep my alk pretty consistent around 8 and I have always gotten pretty good growth.
Only time I've had zoas melt is when I had a temp increase. Had a 40 gal in my garage and temp went from 78-84 over a couple days. Toxic lava PE melted vert quicky. Most were ****ed and closed up. A few others melted but not all the polyps like the PEs
This is interesting. Will be gone ready those links. The question never crossed my mind, kudos OP.