calcium dispenser question


New member
I use tunze calcium dispenser along with tunze ATO system. I never rinse the bottle. I refill once every month and every time I refill I notice there are white powder leftover at the bottom of the bottle. When I put in new kalk, I just stir everything up alltogether. Rinsing the bottle will requires me to unplug the tubes and reconnect them which overtime I think may lead to loose fitting. Is the only purpose of rinsing the bottle is to prevent lime build-up?
It really should be rinsed out from time to time. The undisolved solids will collect in the bottom and interfere with mixing. The jet mixes the kalk better when there is a smaller amount in the bottom of the reactor. If you give youself enough slack with the tubing it doesn't need to be disconnected for cleaning. Just lift it off of the bracket and dump it out, rinse, and replace. Once in a while a bit of vinegar helps to get out the stubborn stuff.:thumbsup:
I'm not familiar with the Tunze system, but yes Kalk will leave a residue that you want to get rid of whenever you add more. This is why the tube that pulls the liquid from the container (i'm assuming this is how the tunze system works, like I said i've never used one) is a little bit of the bottom of the container, so as not to pull all this buildup.
The main problem is that the undisssolved precipitates encourage more precipitation and also hinder the mixing when they accumulate on the bottom, this reduces the strength of the added kalkwasser. I would just clean it every 2-3 months. The tubes generally loosen over time because kalk hardens the plastic, as long as you have it correctly installed inside the reservoir, nothing catastrophic will happen if the tubes do come off, but just cutting a bit off the ends will give you a new connection and every couple of years it would be a good idea to replace the tubing.