Calling all TBS CUSTOMERS!!!

DCDeacon, the rock will stay wet for 20 minutes... I didn't mist mine. I don't think any of the other TBS'ers do it either. The theory is that the water drips down, leaving the crabs high and damp. The crabs say, "woops! getting dry!" and climb down, following the water.

You can also use large rubbermaid containers if you don't have tarps. In fact, I like large rubbermaids better (better contrast to pick out critters).

One more thing: Open all the boxes before unpacking. I didn't do that, and discombobulated myself trying to add sand after I'd already put rocks on the floor in front of the tank :D Didn't read the instructions sheet either (because it was in an unopened box) and I was too excited with all the rocks & life...
Just curious about how backed up orders are right now. I placed my order with Mary two weeks ago and am wondering about how long before I can expect my order to ship.


Thanks HD. BTW, great info on identifying crabs. I was looking at the picture on their site and never noticed the difference in the number of legs. That's a big help.

One other question. On the DIY trap on the TBS site, how did you "prep" that bottle before you used it? In other words, there has to be some glue or something on the outside that was holding the label for the water bottle. Did you just scrub it real good under hot water, or...?

I thought that was a good idea but was concerned about introducing unwanted "stuff" from whatever was left behind after removing the label.
Re: Calling all TBS CUSTOMERS!!!


I'm also waiting for the 2nd half of my package. I'll e-mail you



liverock said:
Weather seems like it will be good all week, Mark is underwater right now....soooo

If you are waiting for a second half of your package and are ready to pick it up any day this week, Tues-Friday....please post here..and email me....and we will get you on the fast track...

If you are an new customer and want rock....please post here and email me....we have rock to ship asap.

Chuck and Joe, email me I will set up the second half of your rock also!!

We are back at it, thanks to Mother Nature...let the sun shine!!

Richard TBS :rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
With all the sand and part of the liverock, roughly what percentage of water will the first shipment of the Package displace? Would it be best to have your tank full and just take water out as needed?
Bottle questions: Hot water soak to scrub off the label. It does come off pretty easily. Then, just a utility knife, and friction fit.

I puncture some holes in the bottom to help it sink.

Your serpent stars will come in after the bait, so don't bait it.

I have better luck getting the crabs the way that Chesapeake crabbers do it--a bit of bait to get the crab out, and scoop it up with a net!

I still have 1 mantis that I'd like to remove, but it isn't killing anything noticeable (besides pods) right now.

Water to be removed: I put no shipping water in the tank (except for what was clinging to sand & rock). If you leave a few inches at the top of your tank, you'd be amazed as to how little water is displaced per pound--Each 8 lbs of rock (or sand) displaces about 1 gallon of water. So, if you are receiving 55 lbs of rock and 55 lbs of sand, that's about 12 gallons. I left about 4" unfilled at the top of my tank, and topped off after putting in the package.

Now remember, all you guys (and gals): We want to see photos!
Don't forget to check the sand and detritus left in the boxes and bags after you remove the rock. I add it to my aquarium. It's a great source for bacteria. I also found lots of small brittle stars and I am sure some of the life in my aquarium was in that last bit of mud and has grown up into sea urchins, pods, crabs and whatnot.