Bags weell lets see,
I started with the D200 case to fit my D70s with an 18-200VR.
Then got myself the Lowepro Slingshot 200 which offers a very nice design that allows you to flip your bag onyour body to have in front of you and allows you to pull a camera or another lens without having to take the bag off. It was very nice but it got very heavy when my gear increased and finally was pressing too much on my chest. So I decided I need a bigger bag to fit all my stuff when at home or when I need to take all my gear with me. so I got the Tamrac cyberpack 8 which is a huge bag that fits my D 70s with vertical grip, 2-3 flashs, 18-200 70-300 17-50 28-105 50mm . F100 with vertical grip a small videocam spare battery sets, chargers for flashs and cameras. multiple filters and w whole lot of accessories. in addition to my laptop.
Eventhough it fit everything I had it was not very handy to travel with as it didn't fit in many overhead compartiments of smaller planes.
Finally I got me the newest Lowepro selection Vertex AW 200 which is the equivalent of the minitrecker or the trecker?
very nice bag just in between my two other bags this one can accomodate the variety of lenses you mention plus camera and a backup one and some accessories with still some room to grow. Check Lowepro site for this series and decide which one you want. You can also go for the smaller one that fits a bit less equipment and doesn't fit a laptop as it's smaller.
THe Vertex series looks to be better than the minitrecker as the padding seems to be a lot better, the weight distribution on this bag looks to be much better than the trecker series, this bag is better sealed even the zipper is waterproof and more quiet to open and close. I really like the belts design and the way you can change it's fit on your body. I would say serch well before yo ubuy or you will endup with a nice selection of bags. Also allow your self room to grow as you never know what gear you might endup with. also try to go to a store and put the bag yo will buy on before buying it to decide on how it fits you. Deciding in advance on what yo uwill take with you in that bag serves a lot in defining yoru choices. For me I will travel on alsmost weekly basis with at least:
1-2 camera bodies.
18-200Vr 17-50 70-300Vr 50
In addition to flash chargers batteries.
Sometimes I will have a tripod or monopod (that yo ucan atach on the vertex AW200) with a couple of ballheads...