looks like someone cut their line, poor shark.
I have a black 3+ and took it diving in Barbados. The video was amazing (with red filter for deeper then 15 feet). It has been a pain to get into editing and figuring out what software to use. I am trying windows movie maker but it took some work to get it into the right format. The raw footage is amazing though, it is a great all around water cam and is relative cheap compared to the other options.
looks like someone cut their line, poor shark.
Thanks guys.
What mount did you use while snorkeling?
Nice video, never realized how good the white can be. I've used the silver and it's very impressive. Can't even imagine the black, like others have said.I have a White GoPro and I like it very much for underwater video, photos, etc. Is very small and the display if purchased separately is very small. If you need a bigger display then look for another alternative. Here is a video of my last underwater adventure in Puerto Rico.
Of the seven sharks we saw that day, four had hooks. I spend a lot of time unhooking wild sharks (or pulling them in for rehab). But that is a WHOLE different topic.
I just hold it. Stability is a bit of an issue at the end of the day if you're in colder water and shivering a bit. I ran into that last time I was out filming manatees in 70 degree water after being rained on all day and not having a full wetsuit on.
I'd love to start using a pole to get closer shots of some of the bigger animals that won't come as close.
we were just in the keys for a month and a friend had his gopro on a head strap, a chest strap and a pole depending on what he was videoing. He also had a suction cup mount which he used on the waverunner.