can 6 month+ dried out caulerpa rock come back to life?


Active member
I want to use a frag rock (has holes to hold frags) in my newer set up, but I have no caulerpa in it at all (knock on wood) and I prefer to keep it like that. I have a frag holder rock that had caulerpa grow on it. I pulled all off that I could, but anyone knows that means there is still some bits of it remaining and will grow back. But it's been dried out for at least 6 months. Is it possible it's become spores and those spores can grow if I add this rock to my tank?

Thanks DaddiO
But even spores (if there is such a thing?) so the vinegar makes it so it's totally eradicated and none can survive at all? Nothing to grow and sprout even a few weeks later? Caulerpa ruined the look of my last tank, and I never ever want to see that sh*t again lol.

How long do I soak it and str8 vinegar or diluted?
Then how do I rinse out and get rid of all the vinegar?! .. I know people dose it, but I have no idea how that works, and I don't know if I want vinegar in the tank.

I soaked in straight vinegar overnite, then soaked in R/O for a week and set them in a warm spot to dry for a week.
Cheers! Mark
Thank you :). It's just the one Tunze frag rock, so I wont need a ton of vinegar, and no rush, so taking a week isn't a big deal. TY :)
If you are not in a hurry, just put the piece in a container with salt water, set it in a sunny window, and wait a week to see what happens.
Vinegar, Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide, Muriatic Acid. Any of those used properly will take care of anything that might stand a chance at life.
Muriatic and to a lesser extent vinegar will not only kill most of the stuff on the rock, it might dissolve the rock as well, especially if calcium carbonate based.