Can a 220 be left outside during the winter?


New member
I just bought a used glass 220. I did not calculate correctly and could not fit it down the stairs to the basement. I will have to rip off some of the siding on the stairs for it to fit. The problem is that I am not ready to rip the wall off of the basement because I have too many other demolition projects go on in the house that I have not finished.

My question is: Is it okay to leave the 220 outside for a few months? What about inside of the detached garage? I got the tank for an excellent price so it was a deal I could not pass up.

Any advice on this? I live in the North East. New Jersey to be exact, near NYC.

A friend of mine mentioned that the silicone could get damaged by the winter cold. Is that the case?

Thanks guys.
My brother left a tank in our attic once for the winter and the temperature changes made the plastic trim very weak and when we filled it the tank cracked......I would not leave it anywhere unless it is temperature controlled myself.
Rent a U-haul storage closet on the inside of their building: it will stay above freezing. The only other thing I can think of is setting a board on it and using it as a coffee table for the winter.
lolol. Thats funny. I can actually use it as a coffee table. My wife and I bought the house we are in in Aug. We do not have any furniture yet. We went from a 1 bedroom apt to a 3 bedroom colonial. lol. I will have to see if the wife approves of it.

Any other advice?

But on a serious note, keeping it away from freezing temps. Is there any climate controll storage close by? They're going up everywhere in TN.
Im not familiar with those. Unless you are talking about regular storage places.

Being that it is only my wife and I in the house I can find room to keep it in the first floor without a problem. I was just trying to avoid that if possible. We just had the floors refinished and I would not want to damage them.

So its an overall NO on keeping it outside. What about in the garage? Isn't always a little warmer inside of an enclosure?
The weather will not be at the freezing mark any time soon. At least I hope not. I think I will need a few weeks to get everything organized before I can get the tank in.
I left a 75 gallon tank outside during the winter for about 4 days and it was a total loss. I'm located in Rhode Island. If you want to save your tank don't put it outside, ever!!!
I have no choice at the moment. I cant fit down the stairs to the basement and I cannot lift it alone through the front door. I have to leave it out there until the weekend when I can get a few guys to help me.

I have to do some demolishion work on the wall of the basement where the stairs are in order to gain about an inch and a half so that the stand and tank can fit.

Im just hoping we do not get any crazy weather any time soon.
get the Tank in the House..

if you need to rip a house apart let me know..... :) j/k

but i was told that silicone will fall apart if it frozen ...

Rob, Kurt (smokenreefer) and I tried to do it on Sunday but it was to no avail. I have to do it either Sat or Sun. I'll shoot you a PM. Im in Fairlawn.

As far as ripping the wall down. What I actually have to do is rip off the thin wooden planks that are on the wall and then remove the 2x1 that hold it up agains the foundation of the house. This will give us the room to fit the tank and stand.

Rob suggested that we have this month's meeting at my place and a few of the guys can help out.