Can anyone explain?

I'll try to explain.....

The HV provide light in the blue end of the spectrum. If you look at the graphs you will notice that they are scaled as a percentage of output. Therefore the the rest of the colors appear to be attenuated because of the greater amount of light on the blue end.
Im worry that you are wrong.

1. If there is additional blue spectrum light source - it could change overal spectrum IF peak wave will be also about 455nm like royal blue. But it isnt - so it cant change maximum relative specteal radiation power in % - because 420 nm leds doesnt affect the plot in area ca. 455nm.. It also doesnt explain - why the graph have different lines for wavelengHt about 475nm - xp-e blue. How uv leds can affect spectral line in this area?
Second - so what is the difference between freshwater and mitras lx6100 - IF THEY ARE USING THE SAME LEDS - but central color temperature IS COMPLETLY DIFFERENT - circa about 2000 kelvins??
Please take a look for led panels setup - they are THE SAME. And Im sure that 420 nm leds cant affect 455nm wavelenght - and changenoveral light spectrum - a specially at 475 nm area - and green - which look completly different..


neoreef is right

when you add a light source the others seem to be attenuated because the scale is 100% for all

e.g. 100% was 1W for all LEDs, after adding a LED the 100% is 1.2W (just an example)
so the one LED with 0.1W has now a lower percentage than before

-> but be careful when analyzing these charts, it is more complicated than it seems
one important point to mention is that we are talking here about relative radiant power over the spectrum and not about brightness (lumen)
lumen considers the human sensivity for different wavelengths
this means: 2 peaks with the same height in different colors don't produce the same brightness for the human eye
Thank you for reply.
I have quite knowledge about lighting charts - and I know what's mean relative spectral radiance :-)
However, this does not explain why freshwater model and marine version mitras haven THE SAME LED CHIPS - models and qty - but have completly different spectrum plot?? ( it have to be different - because there is 2000 kelvins difference between that models).
How its possible?
About hv leds - i know how spectrometers measure spectral radiance - and i dont know which kind of device ghl used to measure that - but its not possible that uv leds420nm will affect spectral plot at 475nm.. And orange 625nm - has changing almost for 100% .

It looks like completly different plots - if there would be relative change only - all "critical" points at this graph should change in similar scale.. :-)
But ok - this point is not so important - much more interesting is difference in leds between freshwater and marine version mitras.
Thank you again Mathias!

