Can aptasia swim?


New member
Saw what i thought to be a small aptasia on a polyp frag when i went to grab with tweezers it swam away. Is it something else? Hard to see but it activelypulses to move around 20190120_170352.jpg
Certainly looks like an aiptasia..They can be blown around in a tank and may move while doing so thus fooling the untrained eye
I think they can swim at least somewhat otherwise they wouldn't end up in some of the locations that they do. Ive watched them release from the glass and move similarly to a jellyfish.
I think they can swim at least somewhat otherwise they wouldn't end up in some of the locations that they do. Ive watched them release from the glass and move similarly to a jellyfish.

Same here.
It's creepy when they do but I believe it's more of a reflex type action than it is a "oh crap, the human can see me!" type of thing.