Can Baker's yeast treat a Diatom outbreak?

Updating , I have used this method on two tanks and it worked very well. No issues with corals or fish. Interesting enough I believe it may be the size of the micro pellets of yeast that attach to the diatoms. In another case of diatoms in a new set up, I moved some new sand around and it created a sand storm clouding the water for hours. When the dust settled the distoms also began to subside and die off.
Updating , I have used this method on two tanks and it worked very well. No issues with corals or fish. Interesting enough I believe it may be the size of the micro pellets of yeast that attach to the diatoms. In another case of diatoms in a new set up, I moved some new sand around and it created a sand storm clouding the water for hours. When the dust settled the distoms also began to subside and die off.

Acropora, Thanks for sharing your results. Would you mind looking over what I'm doing and let me know if I missed anything?

- Gallons: 160 gal total water volume.

- Product: Fleischmann's Rapid Rise Instant Yeast fast acting. Same as what is referenced in the vivid aquariums video.

- Ratio: Vivid aquariums video calls for 1/4 tsp per 400 gallons. I went with 1/8 tsp. That would be slightly over the ratio called for its difficult to measure to that minute level.

- Premixing: Added 1/8 tsp to 1 cup of tank water. Mixed it with a plastic spoon for a minute or so and then added it directly to the display tank all at once. The tank cleared up in a couple of minutes.

Tonight is day 0 so we'll see how it goes.

Reefkeeper64 yes that's the right amount. Three doses , day 1, 3 & 5. If you use filter socks the yeast will get trapped there as well as in your protein skimmer.
Reefkeeper64 yes that's the right amount. Three doses , day 1, 3 & 5. If you use filter socks the yeast will get trapped there as well as in your protein skimmer.

Thanks for the reminders. I'll remove the filter socks now and turn off the skimmer for the remainder of the treatment.

I heard from another reefer over at RtwoR that what I have isn't diatoms but rather lyngbya. Its a form of cyanobacteria.
Because it was time for a water change, and it will help rid the diatoms. But after 2 days I still show little signs of diatoms again. You should try your own experiment rather than trolling me. I will continue my dosing for only a few more days because I'm going on vacation in a month, and I want my tank completely stabilized before I go. As of this time, I am not noticing any changes. I am also running a ulns Zeovit system which may play a factor. Good luck, and let us know what you find out.

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You wernt trolled. You just ruined the experiment that you decided to share. You might as well just stir the sand while your in there.
Not scientific at all but I brew my own beer and wine. I tossed a little of the yeast, pinot noir, from a fermented batch in for kicks and it just made the water cloudy on and off for a month or so. It would go from a little cloudy to perfectly clear in cycles of about a week. No issues with it anymore and nobody was hurt by it. I will say that the system is 550 gallons and the amount of yeast was about a cup.