I will be getting a tank from my brother. Its about 40 gallons. Its glass, and I was hoping I could house a mantis in it. I really like the peacock mantis. I know its a smasher, so....can it be done, or do I need acrylic? Thanks, Tina
It depends on the size of the O. scyllarus. If it is 3-4 inches there should be no problem. Something closer to 6 inches could cause a leak. If you get an animal larger than say 5 inches, I would put a strip of acrylic abound the bottom edge. THis is where they are likely to try to dig and can cause a chip and leak.
all you have to do is but a sheet of archrilic at the bottom and you will be fine. when they digg they think the glass is rock and try to move it the only way they know how. an arcrilic sheet would prevent them from smashing the bottom of the tank.
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