Can I have a goby and a blenny?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11613939#post11613939 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cdbias2
I have a lawnmower and a neon dottyback. They don't fight and that dottyback is a brute for his size.
I learned to stay away from triggers from my 90g first tank.

To an extent, that's positive news for me. But, you have more room in your tank. Do you think my 29g could pose more of a problem because of it's size? Obviously, this would be my last fish addition.
It's not about the lawn mower getting along with the trigger. It's the trigger getting along with the lawn mower that's going to be your problem. i.e. The trigger will pick at the blenny. No blenny is going to chase any trigger.