Can I remove this center brace ?

Rhett 1

New member
I have a DIY 55 gallon sump with four glass baffles. My question is as the title suggests can the center brace be removed? I know it is structural but can the load be put on the baffles rather then the center brace


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It probably depends on how full your sump will be, and a lot of other factors. IMO wouldn't risk it. If you really must have clear access, buy an acrylic sump or a tank without a brace.

Logic for not risking it: The baffles seem like the same idea as a eurobrace, BUT, a eurobrace generally covers the entire top of the tank, meaning there is a lot of surface area in contact with the walls glued with silicone. I've never seen a eurobrace which was just a flat strip of glass across the center of a tank. Plus, in a traditional eurobrace, the silicone is in shear load. In your case, the silicone would be in cleavage load, where one end has more stress (because the walls are going to want to tip of the, since the bottom is still holding them). This is going to tend to peel the sidewalls off the baffle. It's a failure mode that could kill your tank if it happened at an inopportune moment, and certainly cause a lot of damage in your house.
it can, you just have to worry about the silicone you used for your baffles. Each baffle effectively makes the tank smaller, and looking at the picture smaller to the point of not needing a center brace.

That said the quality of of the silicone is what is key both in the material and the application of the material. If you simply ran a bead along the edges and smoothed it out with your finger I'd lean against it being terribly structural, however if there is silicone physically between the baffles and the glass on the sides (and not TOO much silicone) then sure it's perfectly strong.
I personally would confidently remove the brace.

The brace is used to connect the front panel with the back to prevent deflection of either due to water pressure. In this case your baffles are essentially doing the same thing. As well as the water volume is going to be substantially less than 55 gallons.
I have a similar setup with a 75 gallon tank/sump and removed the center brace with no issues for 7+ years. I also run my sump quite high and on power down is only an inch from the top and has had no issues.
Brace doesn’t seem like it’d be in the way; I’d leave it there. Probably removing it would be fine. Lots of tank failures based on ‘probably’ though.