Can I use my api saltwater test kit on fresh water?


New member
I've been using a table top RO system for many years now which has a finite life span. My water quality just doesn't seem to be what it used to be. i'm wondering if my RO system has reached it's limit.
The lfs guy said I could test my RO water with my saltwater test kit. Does this seem legit? Or is there a difference between saltwater kits and freshwater kits?
Some tests will be fine. What parameters are you checking? I'd use a TDS meter to check RO/DI water, in any case. They can be very accurate and don't cost very much, all in all.
I researched this a while back, the only difference is the colour of the nitrate test, there are different colour charts for fresh and salt. Also the gh test is useless for salt, obviously.

I agree a cheapish TDS meter is the way to go for this, though.
Thanks for the replies. I was unfamiliar with tds testers. But I looked them up, and they go as cheap as 12 bucks online. Great idea. I will definitely buy one for this.
Thanks again!