Can SPS fight from different sides of the tank?


I have a Slimer and a Birdsnest fighting over territory. The Birdsnest is loosing as the Slimer covers close pieces with slime until its dead.
My question- Can the corals on the other side of the tank be effected by this warfare? Maybe toxins in the water stream?
I have a Slimer and a Birdsnest fighting over territory. The Birdsnest is loosing as the Slimer covers close pieces with slime until its dead.
My question- Can the corals on the other side of the tank be effected by this warfare? Maybe toxins in the water stream?
Why not separate them?

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I'm wondering if 2 SPS corals fighting on one side of the tank can effect corals on the other side of the tank? Maybe releasing toxins, or spores, or something like that. For example: when the slimmer releases his slime and it flows down stream, and lands on another coral.

I ask because I have seen signs of tissue loss on thriving corals nowhere near these fighting corals. I have not been unable to see any pests. The tissue loss has been found in isolated areas of other corals. Sometimes on an Acro I have and sometimes on a Montipora. They quickly heal, but Im still researching the potential causes.
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I wish I had more info. I've personally never seen anything like that before. As a start I'd separate them to A) save the two corals and B) see if the other corals improve after the two stop battling. Nothing to lose :-)

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The way I see it is, why not? If they are fighting and releasing toxins, why couldn't the slime ball up and get caught in the current, land land on another coral, and hurt it ? I believe that it is very likely, anytime I have corals fighting, I tried to siphon out the slime and move the corals that are fighting