can the molding be taken off an all-glass 125 gallon?


New member
i am placing my 125 gallon all-glass tank in the wall and the trim sticks out making it look funny, is it possible to take the trim off? will the tank bow? any other type of bracking that can be done?
thanks jeff
Do you mean taking off the top and bottom plastic trim? I'd think you will have a huge mess on your hands. If you want this look I'd think acylic. I can't imagine a glass tank holding up without the bracing.
Paint the trim to match your looks. I wouldn't feel good about takeing the trims off. The guy that made the tank may have had a bad day. All my tanks I built,never had trim , but then again I use thick glass and euro brace them.
What do you mean stick out so far? if you mean they cover almost 2" of glass at the top and bottom, this is what I did. I glued nice wood trim to them so they are hidden and the stand/canopy looks that much nicer.