can this be stopped?


New member
Little help please.

I just upgraded my tank from a 72 to a 180 and some of my corals are starting to die at the base. see pic. The water quality is fine. The only thing i can think of is flow. My tank is now running a dart for the return and a dart for the OM 8way, but it took me almost 2 months to get the OM hooked up. It has now been running for a week but the regression doesnt seem to be stopping. So could low flow for a bit cause this? Will it stop? What can I do?

Any help appreciated


Fragging might be an answer, but it's a pretty specimen and a shame to break it up. It's a fairly small area. If you can get the cause, it might regrow, but you have to turn that situation around.

Check your ammonia, too: that is one prime cause of that problem.
I find that STN is a good indication of salinity being off. Just a note to all: when asking for help please post all your tank water parameters, lighting and other info that may be helpful. This way people can have a better idea of whats happening and be some what helpful. With out the water parameters it is nothing more than a crap shoot. If you want some serious help list all parameters.
i havent tested in a month which is why i didnt post them. will retest tomorrow, but this is what the water parameters were when i first noticed the regression.

Temp SG pH Ca Alk NO3 PO4 Mg
79 1.024 8.2 360 10.6 0.02 0.03 1140
sorry, its a bit late and i am a bit tired, but the water parameters were taken on june 11. i do a 15 gallon water change everyother week. last change was last friday.
To me every thing looks ok except get magnesium up to 1300-1400 and lower phospates to zero. It may be a flow issue as you stated. I would frag the coral or at least frag a section which hopefully will survive in case the mother colony does not. Are you sure there is no bugs of fworms or something causeing this. Just a thought. I wish you the best.
you know i dont think i have any flat worms or redbugs, but will take it out and check tonight. guess i will also be fragging a few of my corals also. very sad....
Also raise calcium to around 400 but get the mag up to help balance the alk and calcium. Please use a refractometer to check salinity it should be between 1.024-1.025 thats all I can think of besides of everything else that was posted. Good luck
thanks michaeal for the posts. i actually do use a refractometer but i probably should make sure it is accurate just to be sure. and i have been dosing with turbo ca and kent mg to get the CA and mg up.

thanks again for the advice!!!
I retested and pretty much everything is the same except the Mg is up to 1260. I am dosing with turbo ca and salt to get those back and will do a water change this weekend. However i am still seeing recession daily. The question is should i also frag immediately? Please advise.
