Can we visit/drop off equipment in Austin?


Got Rotifers?
Premium Member
I found out I have a trip in October at the Arboretum (in that vicinity) in Austin.

Could I swing by with a 6101 pump (packaged of course) and leave it with you on site? not sure if you guys allow visits or not and if there are specific hours. I had mentioned dropping/sending this pump in back in January and never got around to it. I printed out the related thread and included it inside this package.

I was about to mail it when I got word I may be traveling out to Austin.

It's not a problem to stop by, but we aren't generally open to the public, I only have one employee and often have to leave to do mail outs, go to the bank or pick up some small thing at the hardware store or office supply to keep things working around here. It will be important to call before you stop by or make an appointment so one of us is here, our place is nothing fancy, just a warehouse.