Canister filter vs. HOB? Boca High School tank question


New member
Hi guys,

I could use some thoughts about the filtration issues of the 72g Boca High School tank we're re-building here. Currently it has an Eheim Professional-2 model canister. For all intents and purposes, this should be a FINE filter for a school tank. It's pretty bullet-proof, offers customization options by adding different media, and (unlike the nixed sump plan) won't run dry and kill itself.

Unfortunately, it's also acting up. Maybe a good canister Guru can chime in here. Amy says it clogs easily, causing the flow to reduce considerably. When Sean and I visited, this was an issue we "fixed" by cleaning out the filter floss, but Amy says the flow is down again. Is there anything I can do to keep this from happening.....should we just get new filters (on order anyway) instead of trying to rinse and re-use the cloth? I think it's the final polishing cloth that's causing the flow reduction.

Alternately, would a simple HOB filter be more appropriate? It would definitely be even MORE bulletproof in regards to flow, but it's not as flexible with media choices. Plus, I just don't know what HOB filter would be appropriate for a 72g tank with a moderate number of fish and coral. Emperor-400 perhaps?
How long ago did you clean out that filter?

For a HOB, I like the large Hagen Aqua Clear's. Fairly good size media chamber that can be filled however you like. Not as efficient as canister filters, but have the ease of use that makes maintenance easier and therefore more likely to happen.
2 weeks ago. As I am NOT a canister user, I don't know whether this is an issue or just SOP for canisters. I do know other friends who use canisters that clean them monthly with no complaints about flow, so.... ??
If it was two weeks ago, I'd expect either someone is really overfeeding the tank, or something other than clogged filter media is going on. The most likely something other possibility would be air in the canister.
INTERESTING. Did not know that. I betcha that the air comment is the cuplrit. Especially since this tank is hardly being fed at the moment. ;-)
If you don't all the air purged out after servicing, they do act up. Also any intake leaks could cause air to get in. Though trapped air from servicing is the most common, especially if one isn't accustomed to this style filter.
Thank you Bill

Thank you Bill

If you don't all the air purged out after servicing, they do act up. Also any intake leaks could cause air to get in. Though trapped air from servicing is the most common, especially if one isn't accustomed to this style filter.

I think you just helped me with my own issues regarding less than likable results from canister after servicing. Thanks Bill!