Canon EOS Rebel T2i questions


Active member
I was looking into purchasing this camera as a first time DSLR. Does anyone else own this camera or has used one and have an opinion on how well it does? I mainly want a DSLR for macro shots of the coral, but I also like taking pictures of the night, with lights from my underglow, or the moon and nature etc. What lens would be good for macro shots? If someone has a different camera in mind with a similar price range, please let me know and why it would be a better choice for what I want to do with it. I like to make 20x30 poster size pictures too, so I like that it's an 18mp so I won't lose much detail. Thanks for any help in the right direction!
The T2i is an excellent camera, I've been using it for the past few months and love it. The ISO range helps in a lot of situations. For macro, I've been using the Canon 100mm (non-IS) but the Sigma 150mm is another great option, though a little pricier.
I have the 2TI. Great camera at 18mp. It also has 1080p 30fps video.

Do you not know how much lens cost? Look at Canon's L USM series lens. I think they start at a $1000...

A good one is canon's 50mm f1.8 at $80-$100. Great for indoor pics...
Well I sold my Nikon D90 and got the Canon Rebel EOS T2i with the 18-55 and 70-300mm IS USM...

Well looks like I got almost everything covered with the lens that I got in the camera package, but I still need a good macro lens that can also be used as a walk around lens for face pictures.

I was thinking of getting the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro lens
I read that the canon 100mm IS usm lens wasn't compatible with the T2i. Is that correct? Anyone know?
Yes it is, I'd like it, but it isn't compatible unless somebody know else wise. $549 for the other one isn't that bad. I'm broke at the moment for holidays, but if I get approved for financing I'm going to be purchasing a bundle package from best buy