canon lens advise needed for wide angle shots


New member
I need the opposite advice on lens choice that most are asking-what lens do you all like for full tank shots (Canon EF mount)? I bought a Canon EOS 50D with a 100mm macro lens a few months ago. I have read so many reviews of wide angle lenses that I cannot decide. Have read bad reviews of most of the zooms in my price range.

My issues:
I do landscapes and gardens, and also shoot bands, DJ's and plays, underlit tanks and terrariums, and tanks lit by 400 watt halides causing high contrast, almost never using flash. Lens needs to be able to deal with low light and high contrast, and still have decent saturation.

Will live with noisy autofocus if all other parameters are good. Not so concerned about IS or bokeh.

Need full time manual focus-will forget to flip the AF/MF switch eventually. Can handle tiny focus rings. Prefer front to not rotate.

I am picky about center sharpness, edge focus and chromatic aberration control. Not so worried about flare, barrel distortion or vignetting unless they are really out of control. Reviewers nitpick these things to such an extent I can't tell if problems they see would be noticed by a normal person.

Would like to avoid shortback lenses unless they are a screaming deal. Next camera will be full frame.

I am looking at the Canon 17-40L (used off Ebay 600 with filters), the various wide canon primes IE 20, 24, 35 (not L, can't afford em), the Tamron 17-50. Or what about the EF-S 10-22/3.5-4.5 USM?

Sorry this is so long a post, I just can't find the info I am looking for.

PS here's the latest macro, after I finally got the macro calibrated:
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Very nice macro shot of the tang. I'd touch up the few pieces of marine snow.

Your description of what you're seeking sounds very accurate and well researched. I wish I could contribute some first hand experience with those lenses but I can't. I have the same camera so I'm curious about what you end up with. Please let us know.
I have the 17-40 but it's really not all that wide on a crop body, like the 50D. The lens that Jesse linked gets good reviews. I loved it's predecessor, the Tokina 12-24. Either would serve you well, as would the Canon 10-22..
My absolute next purchase is the Sigma 10-20mm. Someone sent me a link where the Canon 10-22 and the Sigma 10-20 were given a side by side comparison and the results favored the Sigma. And for almost half the price!!!

I cannot find it now but will try and post later.
I got the cannon 10-22 and was finally able to take a full tank pic of my 125g from the front. There is a wall roughly 4 feet from the front of the tank so it was always an off center shot before.
I love the lens!
Thanks everyone, I had not even heard of the Sigma or Tokina options, and that Canon 10-22 does look good. Guess tomorrow I will go to the camera shop and test out what they have.
My only worries with the Sigma are they seem to have some QC issues-a lot of people had to try several copies to get one that was sharp, but the good ones are an excellent product. So anyone who gets a soft one, insist on exchanging it. Which means buying it used off craigslist or ebay is probably not a good idea. (:
They are around $490 on Amazon. That's where I was going to get mine from next time I have a good month.
That Tokina 12-24 tests out real nicely. Some chromatic aberration at the low end but not as bad as it could be and could be cropped out or fixed.

Rentals this weekend because monday is a holiday I basically get a free day, and I can't make up my mind so I am renting the Canon 17-40L to check it out.
Depending on how long you plan on waiting until you get a full frame sensor... you'd be better off going with the Canon 10-22 rather than the 17-40. You can always resell the 10-22, they hold their value well and you'll appreciate the extra wideness it offers when used on a crop body.

Otherwise, you'll be shooting with the 17-40 at what is really 27-64. 27mm really isnt that wide, especially when compared to the 10-22 which will be shooting for you at 16-35. AAAAAAND, using that will give you an idea of what the 17-40 will be like when you finally do purchase a full frame camera.

Just my 2 cents :) I have the 10-22 and really like it.
I got a Sigma 10 - 20 a few years back for my EOS bodies - I do a lot of nature photography, and, at least IMO, it can't be beat, especially for the price. When I first got it, the biggest problem I had with it was keeping the tripod legs out of the picture. I now just set the tripod so the long leg is pointing back to me.
Thanks, when I return the 17-40 I will test the 10-20 lenses. One benefit of renting a zoom is I can see what I use most, which seems to be 24mm so far.


Love how this shot blew out the sand so you can't see the algae! (: