Canon SX 100 IS or S5 IS


New member
I am trying to decide between two Canon P&S Cameras for taking pictures of the family and more importantly picture of corals I am selling. The first is the more expensive which is the Canon S5 IS:

Price - ~$350

And the second one is the Canon SX 100 IS:

Price - ~$250

I am really unsure what some of the differences are for these two. I know the S5 IS can handle an external flash. Does anyone out there have any idea which would be better for taking pictures of a reef tank?
I have the sx100is. It's pretty good, I've gotten some nice shots with it (just not reefs) You can't zoom with it at all when your taking macros though or else it's just a giant blurr/
I ended up getting the S5 IS, it is a really nice camera and have already taken some decent pics. I decided on it based on the super macro feature and being able to change lens.
Yeah I wanted the canon a720 since it was smaller and you could change the lens, but my dad got me the sx100IS. =/
Have fun with your new camera