Can't decide....magnets or brackets for streams?


Premium Member
I bought the rocks for the streams I have on order but for a 150g, they were a little to large for my tank. I would like your opinions on using the magnets or the brackets for the streams and the pros and cons of each. Thanks.

Go with the magnets. That way you can place them any where in your tank. They are well worth the money and wait;)
The magnets at present reduce the swivel angle slightly, they have come up with a new swivel arm that resolves this but they aren't out yet. The magnets should be in stock very soon, I suspect some dealers already have them in stock.
I received my magnets from Marine Depot two or three weeks ago. They were only on backorder for about two weeks.

The swivel arms come with the pump and not the magnets, the pumps should come equipped with this part in about 6 weeks.
Well after two months, I don't dare come off the waiting list with marinedepot or I will be likely waiting another 3 months. Will the part needed for more swivel be available to retro if I receive one of the older models?