Can't find good pump for AquaC EV180


New member
So I had a Mag 7 on my EV 180, and the skimming performance was fantastic. But the noise of the pump caused me to replace it with an Eheim 1262. AquaC recommended this pump. The 1262 is very quiet, however when the necessary ball valve is installed to retrict flow, the pump gets very very hot. I can't get my tank temp below 82F with this pump going.

So now I'm faced with looking for a third option. It needs to be quiet, have the right flow/pressure for the 180EV, and not raise my tank temps by 5 degrees like the Eheim after restriction.

Any ideas?

I will also query AquaC customer support.

My 180's currently on a reasonably quiet Eheim 1060 which is just over 600gph, the performance has been good so far removing approx 4 cups of dark skimate in the first 12 days since installing it new. My 150g tank is obviously brighter and clearer already. I also have a 1262 to try if I think it's not enough. The plan is to tee the larger pump off into the sump to reduce both flow and pressure. Do you think 700gph is optimal for this skimmer? and is yours in a fluctuating sump level or have an auto top-off, or set up externally?

Eheim 1060 and 1260 are pretty much the same thing. The 1260 would be a closer match to a Mag7 flow wise than a 1262 which is more comparable to a Mag9.5 Both the 1260 and 1262 outflow the Mag7 and Mag9.5 respectivly.
I wanted to use the 1260, (as I have one as my return pump and quite like it), however Aqua C told me not too. I contacted them before purchasing. THey said I have to use the 1262 with a valve for the EV180 as the 1260 will not be enough.

My sump water level fluctates. I loose quite a bit of water every day and then right before the return pump starts sucking air I'll add 5 gallons of RO/DI water.

My Eheim 1262 and skimmer both sit in my sump with the pump in the intake chamber feeding the skimmer. I didn't Tee the output because I was told the pressure would be reduced too much. Thus I just installed a ball valve in between the pump and skimmer.

Cant see how a 1260 would not be enough when the Mag7 was. The 1260 ouflows a Mag7. Put the 1260 on it, use the Mag7 for the return as a test and see how it is.

I would look into an auto topoff to fix your sump level issue.
Instead of a ball valve on the output of the pump, put a T in the line between the pump and skimmer and add a gate valve on the T returning to your sump. This way the pump runs full blast (no restriction) and you can taylor the flow to the skimmer with the gate valve which will basically be acting as a waste gate (like on a turbo charger :) ).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6537699#post6537699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Entropy
Instead of a ball valve on the output of the pump, put a T in the line between the pump and skimmer and add a gate valve on the T returning to your sump. This way the pump runs full blast (no restriction) and you can taylor the flow to the skimmer with the gate valve which will basically be acting as a waste gate (like on a turbo charger :) ).

I considered this but someone said it would not only reduce the flow to the skimmer but also the pressure.

Were they full of cr@p ?

If so, then I'll install the T.

I need to reevaluate my observations. My temps today at lunch were 78 F even with the skimmer going. Something else must have been jacking up my temps last night.

i'm suspecting my halides. The warmest water was in my skimmer intake chamber, although blaming the skimmer pump may have been premature. One could suggest that the water in the intake chamber is warmest because it is the surface water going into the overflow box and the surface water is the water sitting nuder my halides. Although my halides had been off for several hours.

Water has a high heat density though, so maybe it is possible that the heat added to the water by the halides during the day needed all night long to cool back down. Maybe 150 gallons of water doesn't cool down as soon as the halides go off.

At lunch I installed a fan in my canopy and raised it 4 inches. I will monitor my temps again tonight and see if there is any change.

Sounds like you don't need to modify the pump, but the way I mentioned would only bleed off as much flow/pressure as you allowed with the gate valve which is pretty precise.
Rich, it sounds like the best implementation regardless.

Even if my skimmer pump is not the culprit, I am going to implement a gate valve anyway. It just makes more sense than having one path and putting pressure against the pump.
