cant unplug the 3155


Active member
i got the 3155 about 1-1.5 years ago. never touch water in anyway. it located outside the stand. when i moved my tank, now i found the power supply stucked. i cant unplug the power supply from the unit at all.
what should i do. i opened the unit. i dont see anything that will held the power supply plug in there.
any help?
The only possibility that comes to mind is that the parts have corroded together. The most common scenario is that at some point the power supply tip was unplugged from the unit and dropped in a puddle of water, when plugged back in the parts fused. It can be repaired but it will need to be send in if you can't pull the pieces apart and we will have to replace the socket and power supply.
It could be the center pin is turning too, I just don't have an answer, I have not seen this before. I do see a lot of corrode male DC tips on power supplies and the cause is usually unplugging it while working on the tank and it ends up in a puddle and since it is usually still plugged in the salt essentially reverse electroplates it so it corrodes almost instantly.