Canyo issue


New member
I personally feel you need more flow! my 75 has w modded maxijet 1200's. ones on at a time. and then a seio 620. and about 800 gph on the return.
Re: Canyo issue

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11862384#post11862384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini
I am having an issue with canyo. Its a 90 gal RR with 2 korolas. A #3 & a #1 plus a 580 gph return. It is forming along the front sand. Increasing flow seems to bother the fragspawn. Should I move the frog higher into the rocks? Is it a flow or phosphate issue?

Nitrates 0
phosphates .18

Here are pics of the two areas: Tank/The tank_files/DSC00200.jpg Tank/The tank_files/DSC00201.jpg

As always. Thank you.

I had the same problem with the frog spawn and the korilia 4's. they have such a collateral reach far out from the centre of the korilia that you have to experiment with the frog spawn.
I ended up moving it about two inches and then it was happy again

Its easy to experiment with frog spawn because it open right up when its happy;)
I think you mean Cyano Bacteria or Red Slyme. It might be you phosphates, by the looks of it. I would cut back on feeding if your over feeding. Also try to get some ChemiClean. Works great and its reef safe. They are other Chemicals to fight Cyano but i have always had great results with this one. If not go to you LFS and ask what they have for it.
Re: Canyo issue

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11862384#post11862384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini
I am having an issue with canyo. Its a 90 gal RR with 2 korolas. A #3 & a #1 plus a 580 gph return. It is forming along the front sand. Increasing flow seems to bother the fragspawn. Should I move the frog higher into the rocks? Is it a flow or phosphate issue?

Nitrates 0
phosphates .18

Here are pics of the two areas: Tank/The tank_files/DSC00200.jpg Tank/The tank_files/DSC00201.jpg

As always. Thank you.

you have adequate flow in the tank

what's your flow rate through the sump--it should only be 5-10 times the total vol of your water colunm in gph or more importantly match the output of the skimmer. If it is flowing faster then the skimmer then unskimmed organic laden water is returned to the tank and usually at the lower areas of the tank where it slowly has to rise again and be skimmed off at the surface

feed less at one time and rinse off all frozen cubes of mysis etc--they contain phophates and nitrates from die offs in their breeding tanks.

once a week take a turkey baster and lightly baste the rock and substrate--this gets the organics etc that are causing the cyano back into the water column where they can be filtered off--and you have the flow to do that.
the above are the natural ways that you can deal with a cyano problelm
if they all fail then try red slime remover. I had a 30 gal tank that I tried every thing with--even extra water changes.
I put the red slime and overnight it was entirely gone--it covered everything before--gone

The reason I mention this last is:
if you don't control the import of phosphates and other organics by methods I mentioned above--then after using red slime the cyano could come back so you have to get a handle on that first

secondly, red slime remover is a bactericide so it is going to affect some of the numbers of good bacteria. In a well established tank llike yours with lots of live rock this probably will not make a difference and the good bacteria will quickly recycle.
i saw flow becauge I had a 55. mag 9.5 return. a maxijet 1200 on each side of the tank...and in the bottom middle there was very little flow and that's where the cyano built up. I eventually added another powerhead in the back middle blowing toward the front lower section and the cyano went away!
1) suck it up with a turkey blaster 2) point some extra flow to the cyano area and 3) I would run some phosban. Did you resently disturb the sand in those areas ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11862872#post11862872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cubano2480
if u want more flow and u like DIY

holy flow--3000 gals--this is great but IMO not for a ninety gal --he is already having problems with the collateral flow with these.

I have a 120 and with a korilia 4 unmoded it was a challenge in positioning so everybody was happy with the flow.

But I could only wish for a 220gal and those moded korialias--thanks for the interesting link
Man, in my 120, I've got 2 seio 1100s and a korallia 4, and while it's enough flow up front for the acros, the back of the rocks are pretty settled. That's where I'm always looking to add more flow.. Kick up some of that built up detritus.
The phosphates are way to high. They should be undetectable on a regular test kit. Watch about over feeding and use some ferric oxide to absorb the Ph.

Flow can be a problem but in relation to detritus.