Captive Bread/Aqua Cultured Coral's


New member
OK, I have been wondering how do you know if your LFS and/or sites are offering captive bread or aqua cultured coral's? I am all about keep this hobby responsible and not taking things out of the ocean's on a mass scale. So the where do you find the aqua cultured coral's, captive bread fish etc... and how do you verify your LFS is doing that?
I know the popular online retailers have sections or in the livestock description if it's aquacultured or tank bred, or what that's worth anyway.
Not all of the time, but most of the time if its a small piece its aqua cultured. If it's a colony then its from the wild. This also opens the question of at what point is the coral aqua cultured? Aqua cultured coral are not spawned in a tank they are frags from a wild one. So how many times to you have to frag a frag to make it aqua cultured?

Fish is easier. Most clowns, seahorses and cardinals are. Many dottybacks are too. Some blennies and gobies are, and if you paid over $30 for a dragonet i would guess it is. Some other fish are captive raised, but thats the common ones.
Obviously everything initially starts from wild caught. However I was referring to aqua cultured being after the initial wild catch everything else of that type being produced in captivity type setting. So I would consider the 1st generation out of the wild catch as aqua cultured. Just seems like the responsible way to go about this, that is my 2 cents.
OK, I have been wondering how do you know if your LFS and/or sites are offering captive bread or aqua cultured coral's? I am all about keep this hobby responsible and not taking things out of the ocean's on a mass scale. So the where do you find the aqua cultured coral's, captive bread fish etc... and how do you verify your LFS is doing that?

For AC corals, typically look at the base they are on.

For fish, you simply have to take their word on it or talk to a breeder that will let you know who you can buy from.

ORA will help you find a local dealer of their AC coral and CB fish:
Any kind of base really. Typically it will not look like is was hacked off a larger rock, or larger colony (at the base that is).

Stateside people use numerous types of mounts - cement discs, plastic plugs, ceramic disks, ceramic plugs, cut live rock, plastic rods, etc.

maricultured pieces usually come on a mixture of cement and rock constructed plugs.
It is very tough to find the shop that truly aquacultures their own stuff. Most are "chop shops" that bring in wild colonies and cut them up. From an environmental perspective, that is better than selling the whole colony but not as good as taking those chops and growing them out to frag. The problem is that from the store's perspective that is not financially the best model.
Your best bet is to try to hit up the local reefers for stuff that they have grown out and fragged. Most of the local clubs have atleast a few guys who frag their stuff and sell it on the side.
If your lfs can get corals from A&M aquatics, a supplier out of michigan they have a lot of corals that are maricultured and truly aqua cultured, not just wild colonies that are chopped.