Catilina Water

its also soldat petco 9.99 imho i think its better but i only use it for my nano cuz its so expensive
Does petco really sell catalina water? This is the "ready to use" water that is brought in from CA (I think ca anyway) not a salt mix?

I only ask because I've never seen it at petco...

Catilina water is broght in from cali. It's collected in the long beach harbor, not out at catalina island anymore. It's run thru a bunch of filters before it gets to you. I've heard horror stories from a few peopel who had problems with it.

I don't use it as I can get water for free from UCSB. :D But using NSW has made a difference in my tank. Everything looks great and responds well even to water changes. ;)
AH, I see it at petco on the webiste, 10 bucks for five gallons! Yikes, that seems pricey!
you can get in any petco store i have seen it at everyone i have evr been to and i have never had a problem with my nano it has done great
I believe the only Petco that carries it is the New Aquatic Superstore format, which is a prototype for Petco. This new store is located at Baseline and Stapley/Cooper on the Southwest corner. It's a decent store with a large saltwater section. They sell the water there for sure.
yes there and the one on warner and val vista and there is one more that i have seen it at but don't remember the cross roads
Used to use it, had trouble with keeping pH above 7.9, went to TropicMarin Pro-Reef and Korillian RO reconst. maintain 8.4-8.6 morn to evening
Used to work for a company that did aquarium service and used Catalina water a couple years ago. from shipment to shipment 1000g at a time the SG would vary from 1.024 to 1.029.

If you test and adjust the water before you use it I'm sure you would be fine, but I believe that part of the reason people use Catalina water is because they dont want to mix or test salt.
I agree Catalina water needs to be tested and adjusted before it is put into an up and running system. If I buy water and salt and mix it, plus my labor, one gallon of mixed water cost me $1.21 Catalina water cost slightly more than that for one gallon. Then you would still have time into labor and expense into adjusting for your tank. NSW or salt mix they both work great for me. Just a difference in cost.