Caulerpa Toxins...


In Memoriam
I've read that many people think Caulerpa is toxic. Is this true? If its caulerpa, what types, all of them? I have prolifera and mexicana and I really dont' want to have them if they are going to be toxic to my tank. I was just curious about the toxins. I read somewhere that Prolifera contains some chemcials that can cause hallucination. I'm going to find that site again. Imma test the plants out on somebody heh ;) If you know where this site is btw, let me know, I'd like to read more about it.

- Jared
You mean, like the oft-cited monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes?
I don't know of too many algae that DON'T produce secondary metabolites for protection/deterrence vs. herbivores and competitor species.

As for any psychoactives profitably present in Caulerpa...
Why don't you try and find out. Let us know.