Cerith snail eggs?


New member
Found these eggs today on a rock, mustve been laid earlier today. My question is, r these cerith eggs (thats the only snail in my tank) and how long before they hatch?

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I have at least a hundred cerith snails so I basically have a line of eggs somewhere in my tank at all times. I'm not sure exactly what the survival rate is, but I see little cerith snails motoring around all the time so at least some percentage of them survive.
They actually just laid more on the wall, ill add a picture in a bit. The baby ceriths will actually be good food for my dragonete who easts pods. Also glad to see that my tank is thriving. I have tons of microlife and im almost done with my algea cycle (im on the cyano stage rn). Also added my first sps and its doing amazing and i already see growth after a week!

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They actually just laid more on the wall, ill add a picture in a bit. The baby ceriths will actually be good food for my dragonete who easts pods. Also glad to see that my tank is thriving. I have tons of microlife and im almost done with my algea cycle (im on the cyano stage rn). Also added my first sps and its doing amazing and i already see growth after a week!

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Quite an orgy going on there it sounds like... Dim the lights a bit and set the mood..
I got some rose pedals floating and at night, i dont turn on the blues anymore but i light candles

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