There are few buisnesses that aren't feeling a crunch right now, It seems only the scavengers do well in these markets.
Anyway, about the tank.
Wow!, there's alot to chew on in that post Chad! Keeping in mind, that my biggest tank so far is a 120 and I've only done a bunch of preliminary testing for my own 220, but I've done a bunch, the following represents my opinions and should be used at the risk of me being dead wrong.
IMHO, Flow thru the sump is always a highly debated number. I like 3-5x as a minimum, some folks run a lot more. Adequate filtration by socks, pads, GAC, GFO, & skimmer is a more important concern then volume, so don't get too twisted about it.
A 3/4" outlet at 350 gph is OK to GOOD flow. 800 is GOOD to GREAT flow. But again IMO, your return flow isn't as critical as your circulation.
I think you put the Dart on with the manifold to everything, GAC, GFO, Chiller, skimmer et al (lawyer term) and see how you like it. Did you use the Head Loss Calculator on the RC Home Page? It's handy.
You can order a upgrade impeler, for the Gold Dart ( I think it's like $30 ) and it'll kick your flow way up on the Dart. And if you think it's really going to be an issue, drill a 1" BH into the sump before you install it. Plug it for now, and if needed during your chiller season, use a 1" external pump for the chiller only when needed, it's a bit mor efficient.
For outlets in the center of the the tank, run the line over your reflectors or around the perimeter to avoid a shadow.
Put the Baracuda on the CL. You can run it 8-12 hours a day or how ever long you like. Restarting does impact pump service life, but probably not a lot on once a day. I forget, are you planning for any PH's like MP40s or Tunzes?
Also, you'll never come close to the flow on a natural reef, so don't sweat it. Although currents ease up at night a bit, I don't think the reef shuts down below what we can provide at any point in the day.
Another highly debated flow number is circulation. Turnover of 35 x to 65 x is tossed around all the time. But it's a hard number to measure with all the pulsing and such that goes on. In a 225, I'd target a max turnover of about 35-45 x if everything was on at once, and then look at your aquascape plan and try for as much random flow as you can with minimal dead spots. If you're like me, what ever you do now for circulation will have to be tweaked to adjust for aquascaping and coral placement .
At 11" behind the tank, if your built like me, you can get to the pump, but it won't be a peasant experience. Give yourself as much as you can. It's a good sized pump, and 3' is a long way to reach for it, so keep the pump(s) as near an end as possible.
I was looking back at your pics, and I can't say enough about how GREAT the satnd and canopy look!