chaeto. free.

Dev, I have a TON!!!! not too sure about how many pds thought because the chaeto is so thick....Lets corrdinate a meet.
I can hook you up with a little bit.. enough to get you started. You should have it in your refugium, water flow should be real slow and the cheato wont go anywhere.
can i get in on this also? well right now the new sump is not built can you hold some for me? i should have it done this week.. what type of light are you using for the chaeto?
yea, hopefully ill have enough grown by the time your sump is done.. hopefully.. lol if not, i'll hook you up as soon as I get enough.
Below is a picture of the water entering the refugium. I have the 90 degree elbow pointed away from the teeth, so water has to circulate to get back across and exit. The surface ripples gently, and the southdown has remained undisturbed. I almost want more flow in there. It is being lit by a couple of 5100K lightbulbs that are available via mail order. Please refer to this page for details, and be sure to read the January 2005 update at the base of the page.

Often people ask what is a good sized refugium. I tend to recommend 10% of the display tank, but if you have the room for a larger one, by all means go for it. I put in 1" of live sand, some live rock rubble, and macro algae like Cheatomorpha. If you want, add a few mangroves perhaps.
Quick disclamier!!! the above entry is NOT MINE!!! It belongs to I wanted to show you the article that inspired me to get the light he is using in his fuge...It works GREAT!!! So if you don't have enought to go around with "Departed" let me know and I will gladly give some up. I plan on cutting mine back a whole lot just because I have so much. Vest gave me a fist-sized ball and now I have to push it back down intot the fuge just to keep it under water.... REALLY...
I'm setting up my fuge like, that is wha inspired me.

Sango-chu: if you or Departed can save me a bit i should be ready this weekend, I hope.
I'm in no hurry to dump it - thought you'd like to know. I will take your lead. I will cut mine back once you're ready to pick it up, so don't reefin' we dont' rush...

I learned that the hard way... Just let me know when you're ready for some, I will make sure you gets plenty!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11023493#post11023493 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sango-chu
Quick disclamier!!! the above entry is NOT MINE!!! It belongs to I wanted to show you the article that inspired me to get the light he is using in his fuge...It works GREAT!!! So if you don't have enought to go around with "Departed" let me know and I will gladly give some up. I plan on cutting mine back a whole lot just because I have so much. Vest gave me a fist-sized ball and now I have to push it back down intot the fuge just to keep it under water.... REALLY...

Yea, I ordered that same light the other day.. waiting for it to get here in the mail. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11028457#post11028457 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sango-chu
I'm in no hurry to dump it - thought you'd like to know. I will take your lead. I will cut mine back once you're ready to pick it up, so don't reefin' we dont' rush...

I learned that the hard way... Just let me know when you're ready for some, I will make sure you gets plenty!!

I'm going to be by Kadena tonight,, if you live by there please give me a call i want to pick it up tonight.. 090-9963-3373 Alex
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11101303#post11101303 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AlexnLinda
I'm going to be by Kadena tonight,, if you live by there please give me a call i want to pick it up tonight.. 090-9963-3373 Alex

Thanks, for the chaeto..