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I set up a refugium the day after the frag swap. I picked up a bag of chaeto at the swap and it has been there every since. I have read that the stuff is suppose to grow like crazy but mine seems to be disappearing. I might have made a rookie mistake and put a few turbo snails in the refuge.

DO turbo snails eat chaeto?

I put them back in the main tank tonight so i assume the chaeto might come back. Is there anything else that could be causing this?
what kind of lighting do you have on the refugium and how long is the light on? What kind of flow does it get?
I have a small PC on it. I actually bought it at the swap to from Friedrice. the light stays on 12 hours (at night) while my other lights are out. The flow is decent, I have a Blue Line return pump that is 790 GPH. The water moves through at a good rate but nothing spectacular??? Is there a way to increase that flow without a new return pump? Dont think the spousal unit would comply!!

Here is a pic if it helps. Notice the little ball of chaeto on the left. It was 5 times that much. Thanks for the help.

Some people add iron to help the growth of chaeto. I personally don't like to add anything that I can't/don't check for. I never had any luck with chaeto, I think mostly because my tank has always had very low nitrates. Chaeto likes nitrates, and will take up some phosphate also.
You know everything i read said go refugium for all the "benefits".... I am not so sure i wasnt better off with my old ADHI sump.

My Nitrates are very low too.
Jabo what are the benefits of the LR in the fuge if it exists in the DT?
I have my fuge plumbed with a very low flow (I saw it on you tube....)I just assumed it was supposed to be a more "mellow" place.
I understand one of the reasons you DO want LR in the Fuge (along with chaeto) is that it provides a safe habitat which Copepods (a live, natural food source) can "Live long & prosper" on, without fear of being consumed by some killer tang, nasty wrasse or larger crustaceans!

They can live, grow and thrive in the fuge and then if they spill over into the display tank as a food source, (via the main pump! What a ride!), then you haven't disturbed the "hatchery" active in the fuge. Now established, mine are even prolific in the DT as well, hiding in the LR.

Reef Nutrition has been a good food sponsor before (not sure of their status now), but their “Tigger pods” are a great live-food source for your tank & refugium.

More Information can be found on their website:

Tigger-Pods are attractive large red copepods, Tigriopus califoricus. They swim upwards with a stimulating, jerky swimming motion which is attractive to both fish and people. Finicky fish love them!

Tigger-Pods are perfect for culturing and restocking reef tanks & refugiums, as well as an excellent feed for fish, including mandarins and pipefish. They breed rapidly producing hundreds of eggs per female.

Tigger-Pods is a live product available in 6 ounce bottles and is available from our LFS’s: Kermit’s Reef & MemFish.
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Egg Crate at the water level in your fuge??

Is that egg crate sitting at the water level, if so that may be your problem, you need the flow and the break up of the surface tension for the correct natural exchange of gases in the fuge. I also feel that the chaeto will "roll" on its own in the flow, which makes it grow really well. You need to turn the ball of chaeto periodically anyway to assure that it gets good light, throughout the ball. Adding iron helps, but caution a little goes a long way and make sure that is chileated iron.

Good luck!
I agree with Mako on the fuge. I in no way meant to imply that a fuge isn't a good thing. I have lots of live rock in my fuge(also contributes to low nitrate), and many pods are growing there as well.
Bill, I noticed that too but it is just a reflection in the picture. There is egg crate on the end by the return pump and the top ( to hold the light up) only. I guess i will get some more chaeto and give ot another run.