New member
I'm not new to the hobby but I don't have much saltwater experience. I used to have a bunch of tanks(mainly freshwater and one small saltwater). I'm getting back in he hobby now and and getting one freshwater and one saltwater tank. For the saltwater I can't go to big. I was thinking ethier a 54 gallon corner tank that I already own(came free with the 180 I got on Cregslist that I'm using for freshwater), a 40 breeder, or a 45 gallon(36x13x24). He reason I'm considering the 40 breeder is beacause it's shallow and I could probably get away with cheaper lights on it(I'm on a tight budget) the reason I'm considering the 45 gallon tall is beacause it looks good asteticly. The reason I'm considering the 54 gallon is beacause I already own it and would save me money and it has a nice deep look to it. Lighting is my biggest concern beacause I want corals. I was thinking about this light(I know its not the best lift but I just want some hardy low light corals) would this led work on the taller 54 gallon corner tank or the 45 tall for low light corals if I put them higher up on the live rock structures? If not would it be suffice lighting for the more shallow 40 breeder? If not what are some lights that around this price range or cheaper that could grow corals? Also for the protein skimmer I saw this 30 dollar one rated for 150 gallons in eBay, i know the sun sun canisters are pretty good and there an off brand so maybe this portion skimmer is the same way??? if not what are some protein skimmers that would suffice that are inexpensive? And I'm not sure if I want to do a sump or not. Id rather not drill my tank so if I did do a sump I would use one of those hob things that allow you to use a sump with no drilling. But is a sump really necessary for a tank this size? Could I just use a canister or large hob with the live rock acting as biological filtration?