check out this re-sale..

"and i think to myself.... what a wonderful world!"

... its not even that great looking of a superman anyways
Anyone can ask anything. Note however he currently has zero bids.

Just curious how you know its the exact same coral?
Yup, that is definitely the same coral. Pretty crazy. I am curious about these Walt Smith supermans as to whether or not they hold their vibrant color in captivity like the orginial superman danae, LE monasteriata, and orientalis. I do know that that distributors are only paying about $70 for them from the wholesalers right now.
Wouldn't be the first guy to lift a photo off the internet. I am still wanting to hear if there is knowledge that it is in fact the same coral.
Good point GMAX, I never considered that the seller may not have used a pic of the original colony. One thing is for sure, the pic is not the seller's so it is very possible that it is not even the same colony. Now that I think of it, I wonder if it is legal to take a picture from an online vendor and use it in an ebay auction.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6839364#post6839364 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GMAX
Wouldn't be the first guy to lift a photo off the internet. I am still wanting to hear if there is knowledge that it is in fact the same coral.

Chad sells WYSIWYG.

If you read the 2nd site you will see this: (Quote form the 2nd site)

"The SPS in the picture is the one you will get. Pictures were not doctored. They were taken under VHO lighting".

To me that means it is the same coral, or the re-seller is spinning the truth.

Yep, he's right. The pic was not doctored, just taken from another website. They are the same pic, including the hair alage at the top of the coral and the white spots on the LR. ;)
The seller on EBAY is listed as jaburris3. A couple of you have referred to him as "Chad". Do you know him personally either from RC or elsewhere? One of the things I most hate about Ebay is the paucity of information on any seller. Especially if they dont provide a link to any website, you are flying blind. Even having seller feedback is cold comfort as it is coerced in some instances by threats by Sellers to give the Buyer negative feedback if they dare report problems. You really have no idea who you are dealing with and where they are located in many instances. Ebay has had more than their share of frauds, so you would think they would be more proactive in making sellers share more info. Just my 2 cents.
Yes, this is resale by a customer that has purchased the superman from us. He apparently does want to want to get rid of it for unknown reasons... Hope this clears things up... FYI: He did not ask to use the photo but for resale I'll let that one go as no harm, no foul... ;)

Hope this helps,
Chad D. Bryant
It's up to $169!

Ever heard of the "Middle Man?" Nothing wrong at all with it. If you want it buy it. If not forget it.

Thanks. ;)

Oh, and no I am not the seller.
To bad its not even a superman. Its just one of the many common monti's available now. It seems anything that even slightly resembles the original superman gets tagged as a superman to get more for it.
AlgaeMan, I agree completely. It's just like all the "Miyagi" torts, Solomon "purple monsters", etc. If it is not the same coral and cannot be traced back to the original mother colony then they should find a different name for it or don't put a name on it at all. They are just doing it to drive up the price.:( What makes matters worse, is that it actually works. So many people think they are buying a true superman. A lot of them never will know that they don't have the real deal. They will end up selling frags and the market will be so flooded with imitations that you don't know if you are getting the real deal or not. I know this isn't the distributors that are falsely naming the corals either. It is either the wholesalers or the exporters, my best guess would be the wholesalers.
SO Travis,
from what I'm gathering of what you said, There was only one coral EVER in the ocean that was a superman monit. It was taken out of teh ocean and named by someone. For that reason alone, you are saying that there is not another coral exactly like that one anywhere else in teh world and never will be unless it is a frag from that one particular peice.

How do you think corals in teh ocean get where they are? They are broken off of a large coloney by boats, fish, currents, etc and move dto other parts of teh ocean to grow into another coloney. Same thing we do by fraging.

So to try and say that there is only one true superman, PPE, PM, etc is ludacruis at best. Just because some one decided to put a name on a certain peice of coral that came from the ocean does not make it any more rare or worth more than a exact identical coral that came in without a name. Who gave these people teh right to place a name on a coral? The only reason I can see for them putting a name or LE monicker on a peice of coral was to hype it up to line their pockets with some poor unsuspecting reefers hard earned money.

I think I'll keep my hard earned money and keep tradeing for the no name cheap corals that look exactly like the LE/named corals. I don't need a peice of papaer or a leianage on a coral to tell me it came from so and so and should be worth this much. ;)
There is no one true purple monster colony or superman colony. If there is one in the sea you bet there are more.