Chemi-Pure Blue: Blue is the New Black!

Joe says blue is the new black and if you are looking for the best "all-in-one chemical filter media you can use for your saltwater aquarium, I would seriously recommend giving Chemi-Pure Blue a try!

READ "”> Chemi-Pure Blue Review: Blue is the New Black!



Chemi-Pure Blue: Blue is the New Black!

Is this worth replacing my reactor with high capacity gfo and carbon on a 70g system?

From my experience, you will achieve much better phosphate control by keeping the GFO media in your system. As for a carbon replacement, Chemi-Pure Blue is pretty much Carbon on steroids so I definitely think it is worth the extra cost.

If it were my aquarium I would probably do a trial run. Just watch the phosphate levels closely and if Chemi-Pure Blue can keep up with keeping your phosphate levels at a minimum, it would be a great all-in-one alternative.

You can then post back here and let us know how it worked out for ya! :fish2: