New 5.5 gallon Saltwater Set-Up

Everything seems to be working well!

As for the surface skimmer, I did not attach the surface aerator. The return pump is actually acting as a power head of sorts now - skimmer the surface water through the filter media, trapping the larger particles and returning the water mid-aquarium level.
The skimmer is installed in the rear of the tank opposite the heater/filter intake. Couldn’t believe it but within two hours the filter floss went from pure white to brown. A strong little bump visibly pulls surface film down through the grated “float” at the top. I also removed the standard slide-in filter and replaced it with a bag of the Fluval ClearMax phosphate remover. Within 24-hours of running both the surface skimmer and the new media the water was crystal clear.
So my purple dottyback is acting very strange. It is constantly head down / tail up inside a hole of one of the aquarium rocks. She comes out, looks around and goes directly back. This has gone on for a week now…could she be protecting something?
It could be bullied. Is there other fish in the system that might have chased it.

Best thing to find that is to drop some food in the tank and step away to a far distance to observe the tank and see.
There’s a pair of snowflake clownfish - those are the only other fish. A couple blue hermit crabs and one emerald crab.