chemiclean in sps tank?


New member
Just wondering if anyone has used chemiclean in a full blown sps tank and what your results were? Awhile back I was having some red slime problems in my tank and I treated with chemiclean. it worked well and I followed it up with a second treatement to finish it all off. About the same time I added more led lighting and also discovered my salinity was down to 1.020. Within several weeks of the chemiclean treatment I had bad issues with rtn. Lost quite a few really nice pieces. Does anyone think it might have been the chemiclean or other issues?
Just wondering if anyone has used chemiclean in a full blown sps tank and what your results were? Awhile back I was having some red slime problems in my tank and I treated with chemiclean. it worked well and I followed it up with a second treatement to finish it all off. About the same time I added more led lighting and also discovered my salinity was down to 1.020. Within several weeks of the chemiclean treatment I had bad issues with rtn. Lost quite a few really nice pieces. Does anyone think it might have been the chemiclean or other issues?



Chemiclean will not reduce salinity. Did you have a lot of skimate? I know I do when I use it and if you don't replace with saltwater just RO that will drop your salinity.

Yep, what bif said. I've used red slime remover on my SPS tank and the corals definitely don't like it, but they don't RTN/STN because of it. My skimmer goes nuts though and I do have to watch my salinity carefully.
Actually my salinity was already low I think. My refractometer was out of calibration. I have an in sump skimmer and I just let it overflow in to the sump. Does chemiclean kill the bacteria or the bacteria s food source? I just had to wonder if it killed some beneficial bacteria that caused the rtn.
I have used it an SPS system twice and other than a little less PE for about 24 hours I had no other ill effects. But I only used 1/2 the recommended dose just to make sure I didn't shock anything. Still got rid of the cyano in 3 days.
More than likely from my experience, it wasn't the clean.. It was probably the salinity, and more importantly the new lights.. led is tricky sometimes.. And after cleaning, it more than likely may, and this is just a slight chance, because of what it does to the water (it always used to make mine clearer), allowed more light, and the new lights burned them...

from note 7
I've used it on my sps tank before when cyano was getting out of control. I thought it almost wiped my tank. My acros looked FAR from healthy.
I wouldn't use it again on my sps system. However I've used it successfully on other systems that weren't sps dominant