Chevron & Regal together??

Found a nice Hippo- similar in size to the Chevron. Good coloration, active. I brought him home today.Does the PH drop in the bag? It's about an hour trip- PH was at 7.8, and I thought the water felt warm, so I did a 2 hr. slow drip. He's now in quarantine- hoping I don't have to battle Ich.
The Ph could drop in the bag due to the increase of CO2. I'm glad you're able to find one to your liking. Butterflygirl has a recent thread up with her recent ordeals with new fish. I sorta kept my mouth shut but still couldn't help myself from saying 'Lugol's :)' :lol:
You shouldn't have a problem. I really don't know why people have so much trouble with Hippos. I have never seen mine sick. I have had it over a year. Its survived a tank move and being crushed by rock during a rockwork collapse. It did show a little ich after the crushing but within 2 days all of it was gone and the fish was back to normal. Currently its the most aggresive Tang in my tank. I also have a Yellow Tang and a Orange Shoulder Tang. IME As long as the Tangs are a different Genus your ok. Sure there is quite a bit of flashing and tail whipping but nobody ever gets hurt. This hasn't worked for all fish though. The Copperbanded butterfly I added was beaten to death in a matter of hours.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7041720#post7041720 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XeniaMania
The Ph could drop in the bag due to the increase of CO2. I'm glad you're able to find one to your liking. Butterflygirl has a recent thread up with her recent ordeals with new fish. I sorta kept my mouth shut but still couldn't help myself from saying 'Lugol's :)' :lol:

:p Don't tease me

I'll stick with Terryb's way
Disclaimer: Novices do not try this at home :D
Well, finally got my new fish today. Added 1 drop of Lugols to the bag, then proceeded with drip acclimation. After 1 hour, I dumped everything into my tank. I'll see what happens within the next 2-3 weeks. I have a Midas Blenny in there which I'm positive will not contract any Ich. Upon introduction, new fish allows cleaner shrimp to clean it. New fish is already picking on rocks and seems well for day 1. To be continued....
Okay- what kind of fish- is this in the 20 gal. tank? My Regal is doing fine- hiding everytime I even peek into the room- but is brave enough to come out and eat. I feed small feedings 4-5 times a day, hoping he'll soon connect the scary sight of me with food!
It's a Desjardini Sailfin. It is in the 20G for now, but after I see how my Denitrating bottle mod holds up to the larger bioload, and I build up this fish's natural immunity, it's going into a 92G corner tank at my friends' restaraunt so no worries on space there ;)

:lol: I'm sure your tang will be calling you mommy in no time with all that feeding! Glad it's doing great!
Day 2: I accidentally spilled some pellet food into my sump so all it goes flowing into my tank. The tang ate till it was so full, it started to ignore the remaining pellets. From a distance, the tang will swim from one end of the tank to another, but since there's extra food in the water, I best start the extraction process. As I stand there watching everything get stirred up and sucked into my intake to be caught by my micron sock, I notice the tang just looking at me. I'd move to another side of the tank, and it'd follow me again. I'd go away, and then it starts swimming around, go look at the tank again, and the tang's right by me again. Sweet! I knew this happens, but never figured this soon, barely 24 hours..:D Still no spots, and still super healthy. On another note, a few of my corals got to indulge in the now rehydrated pellet food..:lol:
Yup, I know. We'll see what happens over time. I'm not saying it's clear, but just going at it day by day..:) I'll let you know when I give it the orange routine..:lol:
I never did anything to the chevron- dips, etc. He never got ich. Some tangs are more suseptible .Now the Regal- I expect to get it. I detected a small amount of amonia in the QT- did a 50% water change, and still a slight amount?? What is the orange routine? You mentioned it before but never wholely explained it. Where did the idea come from?
The idea came from a friend of mine who worked in a pet shop. We were both managers of a fish department so we were trying to figure out ways to improve the fishs' health. Mind you this was about 11 yrs ago, and there are way more products out now than before. The concept was to clip a thin slice of orange to a lettuce clip. I did it last night, and the shrimps kept the fish away from eating it. I was recording it on my digicam, but only got footage of the shrimps eating it so I figure I'll try again later. You don't want to put too much because it'll release some sugar (organics) into your system. It's just a natural way of delivering Vitamin C to your fish, which is beneficial since there are vitamin C products on the market.
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And so it begins, I see 3 dots total. 1 on tail, 1 on dorsal, and 1 on left fin. I thought there were dots on my Midas as well, but it turned out to be debris as the dots disappeared within a few hours, I was stirring up debris to export via micron sock. More to come..:)
Spots are gone as of today. Although I am not saying its defenses are built up, the 3 spots I spotted yesterday are gone as of today. These I'm sure were not debris spots as to how they were position on the fins, they were definitely attached. Give it a few more days and lets see what happens..:)
Regal is doing well- good appetite-although I've had a slight ammonia issue in the QT- despite now daily water changes.
What about using some of those Ammonia chips as a media if you have a filter in it? After 2 weeks, I'll post a more thorough post regarding my ideas and methodogy in taking care of fish. I feel if I post anything now, it might be counting my chickens before they hatch..:)