Chevron & Regal together??

Well, it's been approximately a week. The Sailfin's appetite seems insatiable, if it's not "bothering" me for food, it's mowing down the Bryopsis algae growing in my tank. It has cleared some of my smaller pieces of rocks completely of that algae..:) It gets fed 3 times a day, pellet food soaked in fresh OJ, or Reef Complete, then 2 sessions of thawed out frozen food. I even saw it go after a Copepod today. It has had a small outbreak of Ich earlier this week with 3 spots that I could see, but has since then subsided, and I highly doubt there will be an reinfection. My Midas showed no signs as anticipated. Question, what fish should I add next? Flame angel is out of the question as they will eat my Goldback xenias (no rare coral feast for them). An additional tang is out of the question ATM, but I may test out a Hippo next after this Tang gets relocated into my friend's tank. I'm think perhapse a pair of Bartlett(sp) Anthias? Since I do feed my tank Cyclops on a daily basis as well and they're plankton feeders, leave less of the cyclops for the Bristleworms as I"m starting to see bigger ones eeek. The additional fish is to serve 2 purposes, to see if the Tang will get infected by them, and to push my bioload higher, as even with all these daily feedings, my Nitrates tested 0 today. And no, it's not a broken test as it tested 80ppm 2 months ago..:D DeNitrate works wonders..:D
What are the ammonia chips you speak of? I will try soaking the pellets in oj. Try the hippo/ick magnet next. I'm still doing daily large water changes!
Oh yeah..the OJ I use is not the store brought type, I take a slice of orange and just squeeze some juice out of it.
DeNitrate is for getting rid of nitrates only, Purigen gets rid of almost everything. The reason I use Denitrate is because I don't need to get rid of ammonia or organics, I wanted something long lasting that only removed 1 thing which is nitrates. The Purigen will help you keep the water cleaner by removing, proteins, ammonia,nitrite, nitrate, organics, basicallly watever they've listed on the package..:) Hopefully it reduces your water changes since you have no biological filter to get rid of ammonia.
Update- I never was able to control the ammonia in the QT tank- despite daily 50-60% water changes. Jordan's (The Hippo) skin started having a couple of white splotches on it. He hid constantly, and I needed to aim a mirror at his tank to see if he was eating or not. I feared the skin might lead to opportunistic infections. On day 14, I put him in the reef. There was instant "tail fighting" - with Daphne, the Chevron - and I feared the worst. But it slowly subsided (acouple of hrs)., and they quickly became non- aggressive to each other.Jordan instantly knew he was back home on the reef, and took on a totally new, non- hiding, happy, persoanality. Day 2 in qt, ick was seen bubbling under the skin. I had run some threads on diff. forums on Kick Ick- and tried it. I am now on day 7 with seemingly good results- and no one else has come down with it. :) :)