Like I said, the overwhelming majority of people that have posted on this thread have had no complaints and have tanks that are doing well. The pictures are nice too. I am no professional and I can hardly tell the difference between MH, T5, and LED. What I do see is LED's reduced power consumption, heat, and bulb replacement costs. The testimonials of the members here who actually have bought and are using these lights is worth a lot to me. I have seen the pictures of nice sps growing and I am going to see if I can get a fish to live before attempting anything more. I can get 3 of these lights for slightly more than one at the LFS. They are just lights after all---and no one is experiencing epic failures from them. Have you actually tried them--about 199 pages back I read that someone you know had some problems but there are many variables that can cause problems in a reef tank. I understand that you do not like them and you are entitled to not buy them and get whatever you want to spend your money on. We get it, you don't like these, no problem. Why every couple of pages you need to state it again and again I do not know---it is not really what the thread has turned into. Thanks for the warning but I want to hear from the actual consumers and get their first hand experience. Yes I am doing whatever I can NOT to spend $1500 in lighting. I am a newbie and just not THAT into at this point. These lights obviously are not for the diehard, no budget, reef connoisseur but for many here they are just fine.