How do you know which LED system will work with an Apex or other controller? Is it only the DIY leds that come with dimmable drivers?
Will the Ebay leds with dimmers on them work with an Apex?
Some might others might not? Unless the specificly say they will work with any specific controler your realy gambling. There are basicly three different types of drivers that work with different controling signals.
D series which work DC filtered signal to control them with 10 Volts being full power and lower voltages on the control circuit resulting in lower driver output. An example would be 9 volte = 90%, 8 volts = 80% etc.
P series Drivers work on pulse width modulation. Basicly your running a DC power source at 10 Volts but your rapidly turning it on and off at a frequency of between 100 and 3,000 times per second. The intensity of the LED's is determined by the time the voltage is at 10V compared to the time the voltage is at 0 Volts.
Then there are the most expensive Type D Drivers which can be wired to either the type D or P standards as well as simply using a 0 to 100,000K resistor to control the dimming. While thes are the most universal you also pay big bucks for this adaptability.
On a DIY driver with rougly the same range the cost difference per driver is
none adjustable =$26
Type D= $34
Type P= $34
Type B= $115.
If they are truely running 3 Watts on the LED's chances are they are using one driver for 12 or less LED's. So when you get into a fixture using 60 LED's you are talking about 5 Drivers. With an average cost of $4.00 per LED look at the comparitive cost.
none adjustable $370
Type D or P $410
Type B = $815
They save cost by using less expensive LED's as well as there wholesale price break from buying in large quantities. However the difference in there cost is still proportunate to the type of Driver they use. A top of the line high bucks system might use B drvers but the lower cost systems cannot use them at there price range.
Also keep in mind some can say they are adjustable dimming but not even be compatable with any controlers. There adjustable dimming may be a simple pair pot where can adjust the intensity of the White or Blues.
If the literature does not specificly say they can be controled by a specific type of controler you have a 50/50 chance it will work with that controler.
If I were to use a controler It would be either a Rockwell or a Seimens controler since that is what I'm used to working with. However there not inexpensive which is why I probably will never run one.