Choosing RO/DI system


I searched the archives before posting and couldn't find the answer, but apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I'm looking at RO/DI systems from BRS, and trying to decide how many "stages" I need and how many GPD I need. I will have a 150g reef tank, I live in Long Island where we have small amounts of chlorine, but no chloramines, and very very hard water. Any advice? Thanks!!
Honestly all I have used is 4 statge 75-100 gpd RO/DI over the years . I do see benefits of doubling down on carbon or DI though. Where I am from water is pretty hard. LI water isnt too bad to my knowledge.
I'm trying to decide the exact same thing. I feel like a 4 stage is probably plenty for me, but a 5 stage is only $10 more to be safe. Then a 6 stage is only about $50 more than that to be super safe. I'm pretty positive I don't need more than a 6 stage. :)

I had the 6 stage before and it lasted me for years before I got out of the hobby and then gave it away because I thought I didn't need it anymore. I know the 6 stage worked great. I don't know if I only needed a 4 stage though.

Also, I personally don't worry much about GPD. I just get the lower level one (75) because I'm pretty much never in "urgent' need of water. I can just wait it out.

I think I'm going to do stage 5 75 gpd, if that helps. It seems like it should handle most everything.
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If you have the ability to store water a small one is fine. I have a 75 GPD I added a second membrane to later.
If waste water is important to you then get a water saver with 2 membranes.

You can upgrade it easily because it is all connected with push to connect fittings..
Good tip. I didn’t notice the water saver option. I’ll look for it. One thing I don’t like about rodi is how much water it wastes. Not for any practical reason, I just hate wasting things.
I have the 4-stage 75gpd unit. I have big 55 gallon drums I can store water in, so having it run over night before a water change isn't a big deal.

I did add a booster pump which made the RO filter more efficient.
I finally got mine ordered this weekend. I too was a little confused on which was right for me. I only have a 32 Biocube and 12g nano. my LFS explained how each compartment works and how and what the set up does exactly.

When we went to order it off Bulk Reef Supply the 5 stage was the same price as the 4 stage value plus ($254.00 for Labor day sale) so I just took the 5 stage. I can add 2 sediments to extend the life of the cartridges and if anything needed later I can switch it to a 2nd carbon etc.

PREMIUM has the extra carbon filter
PLUS: have the digital TDS meter

You may need the RO/DI 100 if you want to produce water quicker. The 75GPD was perfect for me for basic water changes between my two tanks. I’m storing in 5 gal jugs for easier handling & can always have at least one pre-mix’d and ready to go. Works for me and I can make it every other week so I always have at least 1-2 week supply.

Grab an auto shut off or float valve will also help with eliminating overflow/flooding or wasted water. I plan to sit my storage in the tub as a safety backup while filling, but also don’t want to put fresh RO/DI water overflowing down the drain.


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