Christmas tree time


Finally found a nice acrylic Christmas tree for the tank. It's been "planted" for a few days and so far no Ill effect is observed on the corals. Today I'll be decorating the tree. So it'll have a good month and a half growth before Christmas. Got the idea from biggles a year or two ago.
I'll post a pic of it after the final decoration and keep track of growth here.

Does anyone else have tree this year for their tank
Just finished putting some frags on it. It should look pretty cool after while. I have another one I'm going to mount a seasons greeting monti on the top of it and just let it go.

Just to be festive. We're really big on christmas in my house and when I had a freshwater tank i would change out the decorations for each season but since I've gone reef I've Been afraid of contaminants. It's just for fun.