Chronicle of my 180g Aquarium

Thanks for the reminder, I definately need to do an update...

Here's a quick one:

With the absence of my Anthias school (death due to jumping and a few mysteries) My bigger fish were very 'nerve' wracked. They were touchy and sketchy. I figured this was due to the fact that there were no smaller fish swimming around (or very few).

I decided to add some smaller fish to see what happened, and I was right. Since adding a few more smaller fish that openly swim in the upper part of the tank, my bigger fish have totally relaxed.

Current Fish List:

4x Yellow Stripe Cardinalfish
3x Blue/Green Chromis
1x Threadfin Angelfish
1x Ocel. Clownfish
1x Magnificent Foxface
1x Orange Spot Rabbitfish
1x Bluethroat Trigger
1x Purple Tang
1x Redsea Sailfin Tang
1x Atlantic Blue Tang
1x Lawnmower Blenny
1x Mandarin Dragonet (Female)

I just recently added a Female Mandarin Dragonet to replace the male that I had lost due to unknown reasons. So far she is doing great and getting fatter by the day. (a tad skinny in the store)

I'm still fighting the brown algae which I have concluded is due to my high nitrates (35) I am currently in the process of trying to bring these down. (more on this below)

I added the Threadfin Angelfish to try and do something about my huge outbreak of aiptasia. This worked wonders as she has ate every last one in a short amount of time. (also eats anything I put in the tank including Nori) She has left all my corals alone except my big matt of Green Star Polyps. These stopped coming out and now the entire matt has pretty much died off. (small price to pay for the eradication of Aiptasia)

Just yesterday I caught a hardbodied crab that had been in the tank for over a year and I've been trying to get him out ever since. (big shot glass & bait worked finally) He might be the explaination behind a few mysterious fish deaths.

Ich was introduced to my tank awhile back with these new additions. (only my Atlantic Blue Tang showing signs, and I've been hard on controlling it) So don't sell your QT setup until you have went atleast 1 year without needing it.

I'm working now at reducing my Nitrate as it is high, I'm sure the big matt of Star Polyp that is decaying has something to do with it. (almost gone now)

I'm looking into running the Ultralith Zeo type system by Fauna Marin as people seem to be having very good success with it. Perhaps this will allow me to get my water back to where I want it. My fish are also increasing in size at an alarming rate, which isn't helping any, but I can't bring myself to get rid of any. Plus I see Reef setups with just as many fish, so I'm convinced I can make it all work.

So as you can see it's been a back and forth battle for me, but I think I'm slowly winning. I look at the tank right now and like what I see. Everything in there seems to be doing better and It's quite enjoyable once again.

I also got a beta Ethernet module for my Aquatronica and it is working well, but needs another firmware update before it can really show it's true colors. More information can by found on my review thread here:

I plan to take some more pictures soon, and I'll post them as soon as I do.

(sorry for the lack of updates but now with winter upon us, I'm sure I'll have a lot more time to keep this thread up to date)
I'll definately try.

Here's one that wasn't so fun....

My threadfin butterfly decided to go on a coral eating spree yesterday. I had to spend the better part of the day trying to catch him and ultimatly it came down to ripping apart my rock structure to isolate one side of the tank, and then netting him after removing a bunch of rocks. Not fun at all.

I will never add a butterfly to my reef again. (he did do his job on eating all the aiptasia though) He's now in my overflow eating all the aiptasia in there. heh
Actually quite a few things... I really do need to do an update to this thread.

For starters I'm in the process of setting up a sulphur denitrator, and I'm also testing the new Profilux Plus II controller. Due to my nitrate problem I haven't added any new corals in quite a few months... so the tank dosen't look much different, other than it has a ton of coralline growing everywhere..

I will do some lenghty updates soon. (regarding the denitrator, controller, and a few other products I'm testing out)
I wasn't really trying too, lol.

Just been busy with other things... My tank is doing alright, but needs some attention. My fish are getting quite big, but I suppose that was bound to happen. I've been through quite a few problems but things are looking pretty good now. (aiptasia, diatoms, nitrate, etc)

Oh and I have over 1000 baby cerith's that come out of my sand during the night... so that is crazy. I'm going to have to remove some eventually...
Well after a crazy spring/summer/fall it seems that I have some time to get back to my tank. Things were definately falling behind but I'm starting to catch up now. I have an elevated phosphate level so I'm dealing with that now, but other than that it's pretty minor stuff.

I'm contemplating changing the way some of my filtration is done, and I'll post more on that here soon. I do have an updated full tank shot as well as a few clam pics.. enjoy.



I just read your thread. I am starting a 220 and I am thoroughly impressed with your system. the amount of research and patience that went in to your very first setup is awesome. I jumped into my first system with both feet. I was really lucky that I didn't make any major mistakes. You've given me some great ideas. Just one more thought... Do you think something was chasing your anthias out of the tank?
Thanks for the comments, glad I could help you out some. As for the Anthias, I'm think my Atlantic Blue Tang was the culprit. I did see him chase the odd one, but never out of the tank. (I'm pretty sure it was him though, as nothing else bothered them) I may try a single sunburst anthias in the future though, they are nice fish.
Wow Psyire,
I am in the first stages of getting a 180 for in my basement and found your thread AWESOME I have been reading it all night.
I was wondering if you would change anything? I am trying to decide if I should go with a closed loop system? Lots more to decide on, I will probably email you with questions as I go.
By the way I live in Fairview, where are you?