Chronicle of my 180g Aquarium

Thanks for the comments!

I do plan on making the back glass black, probably not with paint though as it would be very hard to do now. Probably with some sort of black board or paper. I haven't made the decision 100% yet, we'll see.
Looks sweet dude, keep the Aquatronica info coming!!!

I am also doing 3 Lumenarcs. A few questions, sorry if you've already posted this (so many threads, so little time) ...

What are the 14K bulbs?
What ballasts?
Are you going to build a canopy to keep in the light (and keep your retinas attached)?

I'm having a heck of a time with bulb selection. I really love my Phoenix 14K so I'm looking for something like that. I like the Aquaconnect 14K's but can't find em so I'll either go Radium off HQI or the new EVC 14k looks promising also.

Lighting info:

3x Lumenarc III Reflectors from PGS
3x 250w EVC Electronic Ballasts
2x 250w SE EVC 10K Bulbs (Sides)
1x 250w SE EVC 14K Bulb (Middle)

All the EVC stuff was ordered from Vince @ Ocean Encounter.

I'm definately a fan of the EVC products, I obviously don't have any 'long term' experience but everything I ordered arrived intact and functioning. Once the bulbs burn in, I'll have a better idea on color. So far so good though.

I won't have a canopy per se, but it will be more of a visor that goes around the top of the tank. Basically a decorative wood trim that will extend about 8" up to shade the lights. This way I don't trap as much heat or moisture in the hood, and it allows for better cooling and gas exchange.
Some more on the graphing of the Aquatronica.

Below is the graph of my Sump Temp during the time in which I switched on my Halides yesterday afternoon. I have it set to trend weekly, so it takes makes a data point every 3 hours. I'm guessing that this is an average data point for those three hours but I'm not sure. I 'zoomed' the graph in to just yesterday and here is what it looks like:

I'm going to switch to daily and post my findings, I'm unsure how many data points per hour daily does.
Good news!

I got word today that my new protein skimmer and waste collector will ship out tomorrow, followed by my Kalk reactor later this week! That is awesome, I can't wait to get this equipment all setup:

Barr Aquatic Systems
Skimmer: SK1620 w/ Air Flow Meter Kit
Waste Collector: WC220
Kalk Reactor: KR1220 for more info.
BAS fan, eh?

Looks great! As a fellow Aquatronica user, you've done a good job of showing it off so far. I'll follow suit in my own build log a little bit later.

Do you have the aquatronica controlling many things yet?

Love the black sand look! It will really make your rock and corals pop! I know you like EVC bulbs, but have you looked at Helios 20k or XM20k or 10K?

The Helios are supposed to be pretty good. It is unfortunate that XM15k bulbs are lacking in PAR.

I like the Belkin power center/surger protectors - definately nice looking. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get them and were they expensive? I'm looking for nice surge protectors myself and would like something like it. I've looked at the American DJ powercenters and they are very reasonably priced, but don't provide protection.

Thanks man and keep updating!
Thanks John,

I have the Aquatronica controlling just my 'fuge light and two Metal Halides right now. I need to get my second powerbar replaced before I really start dedicating everything to it. Plus I'm waiting until my cycle is done before adding probes as I don't see a point in them yet.

As for MH bulbs, I've looked at others, but am content to stick with the 10K & 14K EVC's for awhile. I'll know even more once they burn in and I see their true color.

The Belkin's I got off a store on Ebay, but you can buy them at computer shops and other stores that would carry similar items. I believe they were about $30 each? I can't remember exactly. I don't mind the DJ powercenters either but I figured that I might as well add surge protection as we get alot of power bumps due to lightning strikes. It was a small chunk of change in this hobby.

I'll definately keep the updates coming, my 'shroud' is being built but it's taking abit longer than originally planned. So it'll be abit yet before I have any pics of it.

I'm starting to get some heavy diatom growth in my sump where the LR is at. We'll see but I'm hoping this starts moving into the display soon.

Ammonia seems to have peaked and is on the way down and Nitrite is still rising, so things are progressing well.
Outstanding! Very well thought out design. Lots of iuseful nformation on a variety of equipment. Almost like one stop browsing for info on items. Great job and keep it up.:strooper:
Since my sump level control is still done manually, I notice microbubbles when it gets alittle low. Once I hook it up with the floats & solenoids, they should disappear. I'll keep you updated.
So things are still moving along...

I have had the 180g cycling with live rock since the 14th of July and it's progressed very well. Right now the rocks have quite a lot of brown algae growing on them and there are a ton of pods and little jellyfish swimming around and on the glass. My cycle is complete and I'm just allowing the algae to grow so that my snails and crabs have something to munch on.

I will be moving my current fish into this tank on or around September 1st. I bought a few more fish and added them to my Quarantine tank on August 31st.

My fish so far:

Dragon Goby (aka. Bullet/Brown-barred Goby)
Aquired: June 5th


Green Clown Goby
Aquired: July 31st


(glass is pretty dirty in this picture)

Lawnmower Blenny
Aquired: July 31st


Magnificent Foxface
Aquired: July 31st


Ocellaris Clown (aka. False Clown)
Aquired: April 28th

No picture

Sixline Wrasse
Aquired: May 25th


The Sixline wrasse is being given to my brother in-law. I had to give him up because he is pretty much an adult I believe and he bullies anything smaller than him. So the clownfish and gobies are constantly harassed. He dosen't nip at them, just swims very close and flashes his colors. It freaks them out, especially the little clown. I didn't realize he was full grown when I bought him, or else I probably wouldn't have. Maybe someday I'll pick up a small one and add him last. It was quite an adventure catching this guy, as he didn't want anything to do with nets. I built a fishtrap out of a 1L pop bottle and it worked like a charm, inside of 5 minutes I had him.
I also had another shelf made and I painted it and added it to the underside of my stand. It worked great in getting the Belkin power strips up and out of the way.


My Barr Aquatic Kalk Reactor and Waste Collector have shown up and they are looking great! My skimmer has been delayed but should be here soon. The quality of these things still amaze me everytime I check them out. I'm just waiting to get to Solenoids and I'll be hooking up my auto-top off. Right now I just open and close a valve manually... but I know I'm going to forget to close it soon.

Barr Aquatic KR1220 Kalkwasser Reactor:


Barr Aquatic WC220 Waste Collector:


I also got some good deals on salt, kalk, and magnesium. So I have 3x 200g pails of Kent Marine Salt, 30 lbs. of Kalk, and 30 lbs. of Magnesium. I should be all set for quite some time as far as dry chem's go.

My replacement Aquatronica powerbar is on it's way too, so once that gets here I'm going to get it up and running like it should be. Right now it's just turning on and off 3 lights and watching the temperature.

My stand shroud is finished and I'm just looking in to what I want to paint it with, so I should have pictures very soon regarding that.

The next few weeks will be interesting.
A couple more pictures of inverts in my 50g QT tank:

Cleaner Shrimp:
(I have 2)


Zebra Hermit:


Peppermint Shrimp:
(I have 2)

I was able to snap a cool picture regarding the quarreling going on between my Sixline and my other fish. The whole attitude of the tank seems to have changed once he was removed. It's like everybody is relaxed and happy.
